With some exceptions who preferd playing on the gko Server theire vo thingy we had a filled Server for more than 3 hours!
the most unlucky goalshot tryed gg.Coalan with the ball stoping at the goaline!
Da Killa -BiN- tackled about 45 times and gets the "most brutally Pzone Killer Award"
DeVIlKiD and FIVEBagger played a lot games on this Day, but T4D3 did beat them all! The "Endurance Award" goes to him.
There were 2 Ballers who tryed the best they can even if there where just unlcky. The "hardest trying Player-Award" goes to Taisha and guide.ZGMF-X
Most Interceptions in a game did T4D3 with 23 on DB-Echo, DeVIlKiD got the "best average Interception" stat.
Exciting was the Game on DB-Echo where Red (unaimed, FIVEBagger, T4D3,DeVIlKiD and -BiN-) won in a close Match against Blue (esK, The_One, NoKo, Titanium and NiARb). Endscore 13-12!
More Awards next time?! We'll see

Here some screenshot impressions

Cu next time :p