It's kind of a sequel, I'm only a few chapters in as I'm also reading the castle by Kafka (which I had to put down for a while, as it was a bit close to the bone) and Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, good comfort reading and extremely funny.
The main difference so far from Zen is that he's on a riverboat rather than a motorbike, and it's written in the third person, with Phaedrus as the main character, which I thought was an interesting development. Apparently there's a further sequel.
Thanks for the info, jooly!
I think I will get the new one to read now, during the summer vacation. And Good Omens sounds good too!
(I don't have much time to read fiction when I work, so I want to make up for that when I'm not working)
Kisa wrote:
You should rename the thread: What do notpr0ners read
Yeah, you're right Kisa!
(But I also remember we had quite a long discussion about computer games, whether Kyrandia was a bad game or not etc... So maybe it's OK to focus on just one of the questions once in a while?)
Last edited by ulf_h on 08-06-2005 21:08, edited 1 time in total.
Don't get me started, I talk about books too much! I had to start a local book club to spare my poor boyfriend!
As for playing, kind of failing to get into Uru right now. Looking forward to the release of Shadow of the Colossus (by the developers of Ico) and The Longest Journey 2: Dreamfall. Really want to wipe my memory of Grim Fandango, so I can play it again!
Kisa wrote:
Then we should add a thread: What do notpr0ners play
It depends on the purpose with the thread I think.
If the purpose is to give one another tips about games, books, movies, music etc. it's probably better to have one thread for each, but my purpose with this thread was to get to know all notpr0ners better so we could find out if we have something in common...
jooly wrote:
Don't get me started, I talk about books too much! I had to start a local book club to spare my poor boyfriend!
I can imagine!
As for playing, kind of failing to get into Uru right now. Looking forward to the release of Shadow of the Colossus (by the developers of Ico) and The Longest Journey 2: Dreamfall. Really want to wipe my memory of Grim Fandango, so I can play it again!
You really correspond to my hypothesis about notpr0ners when it comes to games, Jooly! I also love those adventure/puzzle games and my guess was that all notpr0ners would love that kind of games. But I was wrong I think. All kinds of games seem to be popular among the notpr0ners who answered the questions here...
So, what did you have for dinner? I was exhausted today, for some reason (maybe because two people have left the lab and I'm doing three people's jobs for one person's pay, or maybe I have a bug) and couldn't be arsed to cook, and Mark is out because the private view for the art degree at the university he works at is over. So I didn't cook. I got a korean takeaway instead, which was very nice. A dish called bibim bab, I kid you not. Strips of beef in a rich sauce, steamed rice, a fried egg and some kind of hot chilli sauce on the side. I recommend it if you see it on a menu.