Hi! I dont know if it would be useful but i think that notprOn has to get a physical dimension! I feel supported by certain people that think that being face to face is the only way to have truth relations! My feeling is to have meetings with notprOn addicted that will be interested by .... I wait for your comments.....and I'm ready to asnwer:p
Last edited by Hugob on 11-06-2005 22:07, edited 1 time in total.
there can be many events one in US one in Europe , etc... I feel so pity that we are just limited to "show your ugly mug" ! First step is to organize continental meetings ! And as I already told "Rome" hasn"t been made in one day ! Come on !!! Most of us are able to move !! And many are Americans !!
Last edited by Hugob on 11-06-2005 22:29, edited 1 time in total.
I would LOVE to meet fellow prOnners! Can we hold the first meeting on the Isle of Wight? It is the BEST place on the earth and now I have discovered it I never step off the island!
Yes, everyone is welcome to visit the Island. It keeps going by tourism. At the moment we have the Isle of Wight pop festival this weekend. Quite a big event.
Ok I'll take my swimsuit and I'm used to cold sea temperatures !!! North of France offers the "Manche"at 18 degrees"! nothing better to awake sombody !
I'd love to meet my fellow notproners, but money would be an issue here for travelling, not got any spare pennies................but we will see. Kaliel, that second pic made me very, very jealous!!!
Who talked about triping at thousand kms ? When I see the guest map there are countries such as Germany (about 70 people), UK and East US where there are lot of close notprOners !