*edited to add.. veryhardgame had posted "what are londoners" and this post was in response to that. But he deleted his post.. so now mine looks out of place.
*edited to add (again).. I made this a sticky. Hope no one minds. I want to stay at the top until all Londoners have checked in.
Best of wishes to all of you in London, and hope you are OK! I wanna see everyone checking in just fine too, so I'll follow this topic And hope everyone's OK!
Hi all, just to let you know that I and mine are all fine and safe, although I would have been at Moorgate at that time if I hadn't overslept, which is a scary thought. Couldn't get in to work, which is why I didn't post yesterday.
I hope all the other Londoners here are safe and well and are fortunate enough not to have friends or family who were killed or injured. My heart goes out to all the victims.
It was just horrible!!! a few friends and family got caught up in it all but everyone is ok now! just in total shock ! It was a sad dark day for London yesturday!