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Post by Isil »

Messy wrote: ps: sniff :'( I'll never be with the rest of the baka squad again :(

'tis a sad day in the history of Messy (the Orc Warlock Alchemist in Burning Blade)

Word, :"(
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

FeEdiKo wrote: at least we can still play AV together :D

Yesterday, we won two Alterac Valley Battlegrounds:

Took 1 hour and 13 minutes, somewhat easy..

Aprox 4 hours since our raid group got in, alot harder, Messy was with us too on this one.

I got 2000 HK's yesterday, about 40k Honor and a crap load of rep. with the Frostwolf Clan :p
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Post by Messy »

We totally owned them :p 8k bonus CP and a shitload of HK :o

I thought AV was impossible pre-60 ò_Ó
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Another AV game I was in

took near 8 hours and I decided to stop. Got 700 hk, about 10.000 cp (wtf, little :<) and it was quite fun. tho i've had my best WSG game today (hi holy, saw u) where we lost 2-3 unfortunately. Ah well, good times:)
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Post by RaGe|DB »

omfg omfg omfg :D:D:D

more wsg games~!

First we won 3-0 (I capped 1, brought back 6, brought 2 to the druid who capped then, so I could attacK)

Second game

Won 3-0 (I capped 2, brought back 2, and felt cool o//)

First time I felt I made a difference :D
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Post by Messy »

I used to be on defence as an affliction lock :)
Seduction, fear, curse of exhaustion and extensive dotting can do a lot to keep a flagcarrier from getting very far ;)

Haven't played Warsong Gulch with my current (destruction) build yet though, although for this kind of stuff I'm nothing more than a very slow mage.

Demonology should be interesting as a flagcarrier though :D 9000hp or so! That's insane x_X especially when you combine that with a voidwalker's shield, a spellstone's mana shield, a healthstone for 1200 hp recovery, a potion on a seperate cooldown than healthstone (about 1700 hp recovery? not sure), and a soulstone's reincarnation option :o

Demonology warlocks can just power through a shitload of damage :s too bad a big portion of demonology's talents are bs ;p
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

yeah WG can be fun sometimes. once i owned Remorseless with a random team lol, kicked the crap out of Berzerk, capped twice, recovered three, won 3-0, kinda sweet. shame all other 655745124232 random teams can't put their shit together to face a guild team :| most are just freakin noobs..

Still AV with a full guild team is good for earning rep and honor, it's rather easy with about 30 of our own already, i imagine with 40 of ours, could do it in under and hour, lots of cp and honor fast... 3 of these a day rock. Most guilds focus on getting 10 in WG, but i belive the best Honor can be obtained from AV, with a solid 40. People would go up rank so much faster...

And Messy, once you're lv60 you could join us :> Same goes for Jr and Aso if you manage someday mate.
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Post by Isil »

I hope Refusion still has some open spots when I hit sixty, aw well :>
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Post by RaGe|DB »

holy, can I join? >;'(
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Post by Capital_G »

WSG can be fun, but most of the time horde wins within half an hour :P

I recall 1 interesting game though..
First neither team could cap a flag for 30 minutes.
Then both teams had each-others flag, and kept it for 45 minutes (We had their flag inside their base, but they were playing way too defensive :P). Then they got the first point, and we scored 3 more in 30 minutes.

PS: lvl 58 now, respecced to 31/20/0 (disc/holy) :P Trying to get my hands on the full devout sucks, but just for show-off.
So far I pretty much always get invited into scholo/strat if I stay in orgrimmar for 10 minutes.
Lack of priests ftw.
And my guild sucks :( No lvl 60's yet.
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Post by FeEdiKo »

our guild has 100 members... 98 lvl 60s, a guildbank alt and a chinese farmer (was invited yesterday - guild always goes crazy at 4AM when only 2 bosses are left in MC - you should have heard them laughing in Ventrilo :P)
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

Isil wrote: I hope Refusion still has some open spots when I hit sixty, aw well :>

:o oh, you're in Burning Blade? Horde? :> I guess then, maybe, who knows...

Rage, you're a silly baka man who decided to be ally instead of horde. and horde are ftw \o/
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Post by Messy »

Isil was in the baka squad before we even went to the Valour Legion ;) lol :D

Anyway..played some more AV today..we got very close to their base (some noob rogues even stealthed and aggroed the last boss sometimes :s so annoying..might as well help out on the frontline) and then..everyone disconnected!

gg Burning Blade o_O

After logging back in and all joining AV server 3 again..the progress was still saved \o/ but:

"Not enough players on the Battleground. Restarting game in 1 minute."
AAARGH! :'( I cried, screamed, and ran around..but when AV closed, the scoreboard came up and I scrolled up in the log...

I had the 700 rep from killing the boss \o/ and even though I hadn't completed the quest for him now (forgot to take it with me the last few times I played AV), and I'm missing out on the bunker rep (bah >:() and some HK for the last half an hour of attacking..I'm still pretty happy, I guess.

Still; gg Blizzard /o\ *sigh*

ps: Bah..Simultas Ixtabiae sucks so much now x_X Most people I don't know or like and the atmosphere is just..bad ;p if anyone talks at all anyway :)

They just had me stop grinding to lvl 56 (1.9k tnl) and go all the way to Dustwallow Marsh to summon 'Subwoofah' because his game crashes when he enters it in a convential way..
Then when I got there there was only one person, and it took 20 minutes of asking a quiet guild to get one person to Dustwallow and help us summon - nobody could be arsed, they only speak when they need something - , until they said 'nevermind' and decided to do something else..leaving me behind in Dustwallow, having wasted 20 minutes of not levelling, without a hearthstone to return :(

*sniff* It's like playing with a fucking random group of <Portuguese Horde> or <I'm so Hordy> (no offence to people from portugal :D)

*Messy needs a hug
Last edited by Messy on 20-07-2005 00:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FeEdiKo »

/me hugs Messy

that sucks :(

another thing that sucks: dupe exploit

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Post by Isil »

I agree on that Messy, the times people talk in guild chat (which is as Messy already mentioned quite rare) it's mostly about MC and "our" new Alliance; Moomins (with I'm so hordy and Seven Something). We can hardly get enough members together and if we already have enough there's problems with the other parts of the alliance. Also with most of you guys leaving the guild is drained from normal people. It's like playing a dutch CS Pub -.-

btw Fee; (he did it)
