Playstyle 3?

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Playstyle 3?

Post by makush »

I am trying to code new Deathball playstyle and I'd like to hear your suggestions. I have already written some changes, so comments are welcome. In a nutshell it's Deathball with no killing (Lifeball?), no artificial limitations like latencies and some new features like reverse volleys.

Here are the changes.


* Fixed ball flying through when shot from close range. This was particularly annoying to defenders.
* Fixed pickup radius. It's not possible to magically catch the ball from 1,5 meters anymore. This was particularly annoying to attackers. Also fixes the self goal bug (keeper catching the ball when it's already in goal).
* Deathball weapon system totally rewritten. It might fix all shoot and hammer bugs.
* You can't catch the ball if you are charging
* Hammer impact jams jump boosters.
* HUD changes: Removed UT2k3 panels and health icons. Added new power bar
* The noskill pass removed (ball launcher right click). This is actually rather useless, because the full force charge time is only 0.5s
* Launcher power same as hammer power.
* Ball carrier will drop the ball if he or she is tackled.
* Shield force depends on target distance, (no-charge-radius 140)
* You get more power if you run to the shooting direction or shoot the ball when it's coming towards you.
* You have to face the ball for catching it. E.g. Ball will just rebound if it hits your back.
* New shieldgun: Shield force depends on how long you charge. You'll get maximum power after charging for 0.5s, but after that power reduces (max holdtime is 1.0s). If you use alt fire, shield force is negative (ball flies to opposite direction). Alt fire is 40% weaker.
* Boosting is significantly weaker.
* Penalty area is not instagib zone anymore.
* Max volleyradius 260 for all.
* All latency stuff removed. Keepers can and they should use shieldgun more for blocking shots, since volley max speed is slightly higher, 2100. (Tho it's quite hard to make 2100 shots).
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Post by fro »

deathball without the death? O_o

its doesnt sound like my thing but good luck with it :D
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Post by theberkin8or »

took out right click are dooming your game with that, you might as well call it spam ball cuz that is what it is going to be
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Post by makush »

Maybe, but we'll test it. If it does not work, then we'll just put it back.

Post by DaJero »

Let me post my opinion about different playstyles.

I don't like it... Hell I hate it. Soon there will be 1000 different playstyles and all are incompatible with each other. Every game is completely different. I already found it fustrating that there might be a 2nd playstyle. Let alone a 3rd, a 4th, a 5th, a 100th! I'm not saying this to insult you. But the thought of having several mods for a mod which are all incompatible with each other makes me shiver.

It would be great though if you fixed the shootbug :)
Last edited by DaJero on 07-05-2003 12:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FAT('.')BOY »

2COOL4-U wrote: It would be great though if you fixed the shootbug :)
I wondered if you noticed that =)

Post by DaJero »

Ofcourse I did, I read the entire change log :).
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Post by makush »

2COOL4-U wrote: Let me post my opinion about different playstyles.

I don't like it... Hell I hate it. Soon there will be 1000 different playstyles and all are incompatible with each other. Every game is completely different. I already found it fustrating that there might be a 2nd playstyle. Let alone a 3rd, a 4th, a 5th, a 100th! I'm not saying this to insult you. But the thought of having several mods for a mod which are all incompatible with each other makes me shiver.

I agree. We should all play just Deathmatch, because it's the mother of all mods. ;)

Post by DaJero »

I am not saying that ;), I am not telling you to quit your work on your mod. I just posted my opinion about all those different playstyles.

I am scared of a community which is divided over different playstyles of DB.
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Post by makush »

Don't be scared. People are afraid of changes and especially when the changes make game more challenging. Therefore my playstyle probably has to find its players from somewhere else. However it's still fun to see what Deathball players think. :)
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Post by beefsack »

lol, the entire community is divided over everything, throwing in one more thing shouldnt make a shmeck of difference :p
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Post by Rampart »

2COOL4-U wrote: Let me post my opinion about different playstyles.

I don't like it... Hell I hate it. Soon there will be 1000 different playstyles and all are incompatible with each other. Every game is completely different. I already found it fustrating that there might be a 2nd playstyle. Let alone a 3rd, a 4th, a 5th, a 100th! I'm not saying this to insult you. But the thought of having several mods for a mod which are all incompatible with each other makes me shiver.

The problem is already there. The DBNA community already has 2 projects under way to create versions of DB1.3b, and servers running it.

The Playstyle divide is -arleady- there. You can soften the tide by making an official playstyle that some people can get to, that stays in the main download, so that newbs will actually be able to enter the community. As is, splinters are already forming, and the playstyles are already there, because there are people who love the Deathball concept, but do not like its current implimentation. The Playstyle2 idea, is not to fragment the community, but rather to keep it from fragmenting.
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Post by DavidM »

thats why i want MAX 2 different styles