Maybe dumb mut idea : Redeemer Ball

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Maybe dumb mut idea : Redeemer Ball

Post by RaGe*NL* »

Hi ive got a silly idea :rolleyes:
i had a weird dream about some kind of redeemer ball. Lol when u add a key or something u can do redeemerball. Ur guy then stops walking and u can move the ball as u wish but u dont move and can be killed then because u in fact have the ball. It shouldnt go very fast and as soon as the ball gets intercepted ,touched or volleyed away ull loose contact with the ball and ur back in ur guy again.. That would be really cool. cause u can kill the player when he "redeemes". If u are "redeeming" at towards the goal and u press fire. it should go further on that speed like a normal ball but dropping ofcourse (like a normal shot at goal). If u have good defenders it should be able to kill the player before the ball gets to the goal. If he is redeeming it and gets killed the ball will drop to the floor without moving. like ur being killed while u have the ball.. is this possible? plz gimme some feedback
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Post by Khushdi »

speak english :P

erm...cant quite understand u, maybe if u created the ball urself i would understand u ^^
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Post by Diab »

then the keeper would fly it high then into the goal :P

would be funny to see, but proberly wont be used on a pub, mutatord or not.
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

lol the keeper has 5 seconds to get the ball there.. and maybe there shuold be an ultimate hight.. not that it can go as high as people want.
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

btw what someone just told me on irc..
[21:28:10] <shurieker> hmmh.. let's add redeemer camera to the ball!
that would be very good, fun for the spectators and it would make great demo's!
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Post by CurvE »

Hmm... sounds very inspiring... i dont think it would be made though...and it would make the game...far too wierd... but top marks for the idea :)
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Post by FireCell »

Ive always wanted a way that the camera would follow the ball around but in the ball but at a sensible height. Kinda like in football games the ball is followed. That would mean i could set up a demo and go and make a coffee instead of chasing the ball about.
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Post by cajuncook »

I think adding that kind of feature for spectators where they can be Redeemer Style with the ball. That'd be kind of neat.

The idea of the gameplay kind of confused me, though.
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Post by beefsack »

what if there is a mutator where if the ball was out of possession for like 10 seconds it has a redeemer explosion then respawns. tons of fun on lans :p
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Post by cajuncook »

There is some version of DeathBall made by somebody else that's called NB Ball or something. If they hold it for longer than X seconds, a Redeemer explosion happens to that person and those surrounding. It's kind of neat to set it to 2 seconds and see how you do. :P
Last edited by cajuncook on 12-05-2003 02:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kyllian »

Translation: A mute where you can fire the ball like the Redeemer AltFire and pilot it. But you can be killed while piloting it.

Interesting idea, but might not work out to well, even with everyone's suggestions

Would be nice if specs could view from the ball tho, but that might be impossible tho. Bout the only way I can think of to do that is to make 2k3 think the ball is a player of some type. Like the Sentinel cannons coded by Mr. Evil at the INA forums
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Post by [RoV]WolfMan »

sorry guys all you need is a doc...^^

as gameplay extremely weird, but as a camera mode sounds .. quite... hmm... weird^^ no serious would be funny for the specs

Post by Panda »

Intriguing idea, certain things would have to be altered for it to be an enjoyable feature but maybe there's someone out there with the ability and support for the idea to turn it into some sort of mutator
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

Can davidM or maybe 2cool4u gimme some feedback if this is possible?
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Post by RaGe*NL* »
