I know I've moaned about attitude towards league games in the past, but the game TVPD vs aB last night was top notch - some good moves, and no complaining from either side (ok - so there was a small thing near the end but it was a misunderstanding more than anything). I hope the league continues in the same fashion. Without any irony whatsoever - gg DavidM .
EDIT: It's a pity shig's not got the idea though . Respect and community spirit - fair play, gg afterwards, that kind of thing - is important, not crowing about how 1337 you are (and you tell me you don't bring things on yourself ).
Last edited by Catalyst88 on 12-09-2005 09:17, edited 1 time in total.
I don't give a damn about the whole community shit. Every1 hates me already so what have I got to lose? I play this league to win tbh, to get me some honor. It's nice when there's no whining in a game, but wtf? It's deathball and the community is full with cunts, so what do you expect. I expect it's going to be, either a very tight tournament, or a tournament where everybody is pretending to be nice, but they actually aint (I dont call any names tbh, Sam <3)
Last edited by Shigeru on 12-09-2005 10:40, edited 1 time in total.
remember there are no real rules. so i as admin can do whatever the fuck i want. and i will feel free to exclude annoying persons when they act like shit :S