2.4 testing info

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Post by overon »

Dave I have played in about 8 mixers so far and here is my feedback on the 2.4 beta.

First the bugs. In offline botmatch there is that flaming ball effect when you really power up the shot. The problem is that whenever I get close that flaming ball, my frames per second takes a huge nose dive.

There is no flaming ball effect online.

It seems you can hit the ball carrier even though you are behind him and not aiming at him on defense.

If you hit someone and they just started charging a shot even if they take the full 3 seconds to charge their shot, you will still get a shaker. So you always get a shaker once you start charing and someone hits you. It wasn't like that in 2.3

You can go inside the goals on small cube and cube and nobody form the other team can kill you while you are inside the goal.

Dribbling seems to be bugged cause it's not consistent and eventually during dribbling you pickup the ball.

Also this bug is kind of hard to describe. Let's say I'm trying to volley the ball away and instead of volleying it away I mistime the LMB hit and I catch it instead. The second I light go of the left mouse button i shoot an extremely weak shot in front of me. It's very annoying, I end up thrwoing the ball in front of me where some guy is ready to shoot it into the goal.

Now the feedback about the changes.
Is the size of the pbox proportional to the size of the goal? I think the ratio of the length of the goal in 2.3 to the pbox size in 2.3 should be the same as in 2.4 I'm talking about the ratio and I'm not sure it is like that righ now. The pbox in 2.4 seems a little too small compared to the size of the goal in 2.4

There are too many deflections.

Keepers should have the instant pickup and magnet and volley and deflection abilities. But for the rest of the players it's a bit too much I think. Regular players seem to have close to the same pickup time, magnet, and volley and deflection abilities as the keeper.

Boosting is neutered too much. I understand about the penix. But boosting is one of the coolest and best things about deathball. Boosting strength should be increased. Maybe there is a way to make it so you can't boost high like in a penix.
Last edited by overon on 25-09-2005 05:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sixty »

I, for one, like just about all the changes :)

Deflect is on steroids, but that's fixed already. The bigger goals and the higher powerup just mean that the keeper has to change styles - and also the defenders.

In a 5v5 match you now need 5 (or at least 4) people defending, if you don't want to get owned by 4 attackers (no boxdef). This is a good thing imo.

You do have to use double boost a lot, else you won't get to defense fast enough, with boosting being toned down.
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Post by Titanium »

completely agree with six

and im a bit surprised about the changes because davidm used to play boxdef as his only move on defense. he killed it with those changes, seems like he's open for some changes aswell. \o/
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Post by Zonk »


Another post by me. I'll make it more constructive this time.

Firstly, as it currently is, nobody will ever do volleys. This is not a good thing - cross volleys were the best goals ever. I think something should be altered so that cross volleys are more effective, or so that normal shooting is less effective. Or both. Just don't make it so normal shooting is 1000 times more effective (which is how it currently is)

Also, the flame trail on the ball is extremely overdone. Make it like it was before, or tone it down A LOT. When you shoot the ball in front of you, you can barely see a thing.

Me and the Australian DB players don't mean any respect, we just feel that as it is, this version won't work too well. Maybe it will get better, i dunno.

But cos it's not too popular, it should be made so that 2v2 and 3v3 are at least playable. Maybe you could have some feature which is voted on and off, which makes 2v2 and 3v3 good. I DONT KNOW. We'll see what happens.
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Post by Sixty »

Zonk wrote: Hmmmm

Another post by me. I'll make it more constructive this time.

Firstly, as it currently is, nobody will ever do volleys. This is not a good thing - cross volleys were the best goals ever. I think something should be altered so that cross volleys are more effective, or so that normal shooting is less effective. Or both. Just don't make it so normal shooting is 1000 times more effective (which is how it currently is)

Also, the flame trail on the ball is extremely overdone. Make it like it was before, or tone it down A LOT. When you shoot the ball in front of you, you can barely see a thing.

Me and the Australian DB players don't mean any respect, we just feel that as it is, this version won't work too well. Maybe it will get better, i dunno.

But cos it's not too popular, it should be made so that 2v2 and 3v3 are at least playable. Maybe you could have some feature which is voted on and off, which makes 2v2 and 3v3 good. I DONT KNOW. We'll see what happens.

I actually pulled off a crossvolley in a pickup (assist), and it's harder, but very possible. With the higher speed of the ball, you can now shoot into tighter holes of the defense, just try it :)

I semi-agree on the 2v2 and 3v3 thingie, the changes see to work out way better for 5v5 than anything else.
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Post by Zonk »

Zonk wrote:
Me and the Australian DB players don't mean any respect

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Post by DavidM »

guys guys guys
i'll say it over and over again
you are not yet really able to make these comments.
you have a new game and you play it like the old game, you dont understand the new tactics. but since its not exactly like before (after one day of playing) you make these comments....
give it 2 weeks (1 week and 6 days now) then start judging...cheers!
old tactics are now harder to do (volleying etc), new tactics have to be found, or ways to do the old tactics have to be found as well. you cant expect to master a new game after 1 day :P
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Post by Zonk »

DavidM wrote: guys guys guys
i'll say it over and over again
you are not yet really able to make these comments.
you have a new game and you play it like the old game, you dont understand the new tactics. but since its not exactly like before (after one day of playing) you make these comments....
give it 2 weeks (1 week and 6 days now) then start judging...cheers!
old tactics are now harder to do (volleying etc), new tactics have to be found, or ways to do the old tactics have to be found as well. you cant expect to master a new game after 1 day :P

It just feels like it's been ... over-done

One thing i do really like is the latency being reduced from 0.4 to 0.05 for keepers.
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Post by pok »

Davidm, this concept of yours was based around 4v4+ games, correct? Well it only works for 4v4+ games. 2v2 and 3v3 games are basically impossible to enjoy or play with balance, have you taken this into consideration? This is my main concern because the Australian community is quite small and most of our games are 2v2 or 3v3, will we see a change to atleast make 2v2/3v3 games playable?
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Post by Morning*Star »

Considering 5v5 games have become more uncommon in EU I would imagine so.
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Post by DavidM »

it was for both. but the deeper i got into it i felt that 3on3 wouldnt be too good anymore. but lets see. we have no clue!
the 3on3's i played were fun actually. just a lot different. we even managed to prevent the enemy from scoring for 5 minutes (i think it was lasse, rico, strafe, so no bloody noobs)
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Post by Guide »

I doubt TV has forgotten about 5v5 - the way DB was meant to be played btw.

Sure I'd love for Australian DB players to be able to play the game - the way they want to still.
Sure I'd love for MS (and the rest of the EU players who wants to continue playing @ NA) to do so still.

But really.. lets take look at the bigger picture. One game one world - KISS.
We (all nations put aside) started playing this game based on the gameplay that was there.
The gameplay will probably evolve quite a bit with this new version once its released.
Lets do another review then..
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Post by InSaNe` »

DavidM wrote: guys guys guys
i'll say it over and over again
you are not yet really able to make these comments.
you have a new game and you play it like the old game, you dont understand the new tactics. but since its not exactly like before (after one day of playing) you make these comments....
give it 2 weeks (1 week and 6 days now) then start judging...cheers!
old tactics are now harder to do (volleying etc), new tactics have to be found, or ways to do the old tactics have to be found as well. you cant expect to master a new game after 1 day :P

While I do agree you need to give it some time so you can adjust, I also believe that too much change can be bad.. I've played all three positions lately and I can honestly say that keeping has gotten a lot harder. I played keeper in a mixer (na pu) yesterday and I was beyond horrible, not because I was trying to use 2.3 tactics, but because the game was far too reliant on defense.

In other words, if your defense got beat (offense got open) then the keeper has no chance.

I was all for making the goal size bigger but seeing it from the actual goalie perspective, it's rediculous. I myself do not use the gun watching method unless it's a special occasion but now I have to - just to save horrible .6 and .7 shots because it's impossible to use reaction, then dodge the correct way, then time the volley. .5 and .4's? Forget about them, like I stated earlier the game is too much dependant on the defense now.

I myself do not like the change because my keeping style was totally the opposite. In this version, I've noticed alot of keepers jumping out to give a shakey because if the ball carrier shoots then the keeper has a very low chance of saving the shot.

I don't mean to rant, I think what you're doing is a good thing DavidM, just try to put a little more thought into it. Toning the goal size down wouldn't hurt either, in fact I'm sure it'll make a lot of people hapier :mad:
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Post by DavidM »

just lemme play and balance :)
i just suggested the following thing to cata
When you get over a certain point in your charge bar (when the shot starts being really hard) your mouse sensitivity starts to increase drastically, which makes it super hard to aim long shots properly.... which is the same as in football, where it's super hard to aim long shots right
we'll see, but that should be good

insane, just practice dodge + volley more
and for close shots, practice volleying at the same time as the ball is shot....
Last edited by DavidM on 25-09-2005 17:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by InSaNe` »

Gah, I never did that in previous versions DavidM. I usually relied on my reaction time, which takes true skill.. This volleying crap takes none and since I didn't use it at all in previous version I'm going to have to now which seems pretty lame to me :<

Are you at least considering toning the goal size down a little bit?