I put far too much pressure on myself to perform on projects - X-Ball and lately 2.4. I love working on them, but for a while now it seems like everything I work on is because I think I should rather than because I'm really having fun - I don't want to see DB or X-ball die, but in my current frame of mind I just don't think I can put the effort in that they need to work. I have up until the end of this week, basically, before everything starts to move forward in the new uni term and I just won't have the time to work on them seriously for a while - as either programmer or project co-ordinator, whatever.
It might just be a phase I'm going through, and I will likely still hang around IRC and lurk in the forums, but I just don't see myself being as active a member of the community as I have been these past 3 years for much longer.
I need to talk to DavidM about what's going on with 2.4, and the XB team about what's going on with that, but I think this is just a good time to say how much fun I've had over the last few years - this community's basically been my home and social life for most of that, and I thank everyone who I've played with and who's made it a great place to be. I've grown up considerably since first playing a game that's basically been the centre of my life for a long time, and that's probably part of why I want to move on a bit

Like I said, this isn't goodbye, but I do feel this is a good time to go and work on other aspects of my life. I needed to get that out. <3 you all

- Cata