Ok, I just uninstalled deathball (I went to start/programs/deathball uninstalldeatball) And it UNINSTALLED EVERYTHING, All my maps, the whole system folder, all textures, pretty much everything. This better the hell be some kinda mistake I did, cause all I wanted to uninstall is deathball, not fucking everything, please someone help me before I go completely insane.........
right.... I never even noticed it, maybe it needs to be made so it can be noticed a bit more. Also, why would they put it in if it was bugged??? someone could have simply just uploaded a new version without it. Anyways, im gonna put my head through a wall or somthing, and then remind myself not to download something im not gonna even try ever again........
thank God I made backups of all the maps I was working on, and my ini files. lucky me, now I just have to go around searching for a few dozen maps and mutators......
Last edited by Radeon285 on 03-07-2003 15:07, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah it's retarted that the faulty installer is still online. /o\ I mean, as soon as you'd discover such a bug, you should immediately remove the download (or maybe even replace it with one that either works or doesn't uninstall at all). Sheesh..
Dazlin wrote:
rofl bug my ass he did it on purpose to get his own back at the people that dont like his mod
that better not be the case. Because of this I just lost VERY rare unreleased music tracks from the beta of UT2003, ones by Starsky (he did the Level tracks, I *had* the missing ones)
Last edited by Radeon285 on 04-07-2003 01:09, edited 1 time in total.
Well, its not like I didnt even try it, I played a few bot matchs and I just didnt really care for it, I find more fun in blowing my enemy in half with a flak canon than tossing a ball around, no offense....