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Post by DavidM »

e-vectz...please...i gave the reason 2 or 3 times already.
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Post by The_One »

DavidM wrote: no sir... LOL
this was fixed in 1.5 or so ;)

Damn. :D

WRT to the spin, does it affect how the ball comes off surfaces? e.g. if you shoot it out gently with backspin it will check, or even go backwards, when it hits the ground.

Any chance of variable spin? i.e. the more times you press the button or turn the mouse wheel the more spin is added?

I take it this work on the physics means that the plans for the karma ball have been abandoned (at least for now)?
Last edited by The_One on 08-09-2006 02:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Goldeneye »

WRT to the spin, does it affect how the ball comes off surfaces? e.g. if you shoot it out gently with backspin it will check, or even go backwards, when it hits the ground.
spin affect wallhits and wallhits affect spin, so it will bounce back different if spin is applied to the ball and spin will be added to the ball depending on how it hit the wall. the calculations are simple but real physics and the settings have a realistic feel as well.

btw, i just added something that allows it to roll on the ground. \o/
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Post by `Ghost` »

Neat \o/ keep up the good work :D
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Post by The_One »

Very nice.

Can we have a go at reducing the number of buttons required for curve? Four is a little excessive. You could get away with only one curve button if you used the mouse to define curve direction (and maybe amount?), i.e. hold down curve button, move mouse in direction you desire to curve, release curve button. It would make it a lot easier for those whose mouse only has the standard three buttons. It would also make for a much more flexible and intuitive system. Whether you'd want to have some kind of visual indication of this I'm not sure. You could show some kind of marker at the point the curve button is pressed, then draw a straight line to where the crosshair currently is. Just a suggestion. :)

A pie in the sky idea that will never happen:

A momentum system could be added so that players can't change direction instantly. Coupled with lean buttons this would allow skilled players to occasionaly dummy past defenders.
Last edited by The_One on 08-09-2006 03:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Morning*Star »

Maybe I just read it wrong. :P Fair enough
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Post by DavidM »

"Any chance of variable spin? i.e. the more times you press the button or turn the mouse wheel the more spin is added?"

When we first added banana (in an unreleased 1.5beta) we did it this way. It was horrible :o
Was pretty much uncontrolable. So we limited it do a static banana.
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Post by DavidM »

Reply to the other post:

You can't use the mouse to define curve direction. you are aiming with the mouse already, so that's in use. You sure could lock the aiming once you press the banana button. Thinking about it, it could work in some situations, but in fast ones (volley bananas) it can't be done I guess :/
But keep in mind...banana is a very advanced tool...you don't REALLY need to use it. Every above average player will be fine not using it (or only left and right)...and well, to be a top player you gotta be able to control it then, maybe even on weird keys.
I keep suggesting a 4-way-wheel-mouse to people. Can't help it, the game has lots of options, so you need lots of keys unfortunately ;)
But still, the 1-way-solution might be worth trying. But we are limited to to fixes now.

The momentum thing would be annoying :D :lol:
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Post by Adversary »

... 20 goal limit ? :p
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Post by Desaster »

Lot to read ;)

For the others who asked. to switch back to VO or not.

I won't touch the server until the next release is out, I am sitting daily at work 8-9 hours in front of a screen. And since I also have a real life I sit not every evening at home again in front of my screen......

I may cange the server to 3vs3 ( no specs ) VO SC-only in the next version, or I may leave it as it is.

I am not sure yet and since I am just a fun player i have no pref about it.

To much player on SC sux and VO on big maps sux, but it is fun to play sometimes which many player on big maps...
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Post by E-VecTz »

next week my server will be up again and I'm thinking to put 2 db servers up from there.

the problem is ppl tend to lag because the server is positioned in the netherlands and ppl play form portugal and austria etc.
so connection for a lot of ppl will be +60 ping

I've noticed only dutch ppl getting under a ping of 40 so im still in doubt about putting either server back online.

Either way if it will go online 1 of the servers will be 3v3 VO mapvote, this is because ppl still tend to want to play OSC and for 1on1 it might give a laugh if just playing 4 fun

Not sure what to do with the second server if i will put it up.

ty Desaster for hosting THC for all these years while u never really had the time to play for yourself

this is the kind of ppl that keep db alive! :)
Last edited by E-VecTz on 08-09-2006 13:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The_One »

DavidM wrote: but in fast ones (volley bananas) it can't be done I guess :/
Sure it can. Are you forgetting you can apply spin after the ball has been released or hit? No one has a four-way mouse wheel as its only use would be to play DB. xD Is it really preferable requiring 4 keys for curve? That makes a total of 14 keys needed to access all of DB's functions (have I missed any?). It's far too many. I'd call it a fix for people with only three mouse buttons (or heaven forbid, two).

As for variable curve, I'm thinking it was more the implementation rather than the concept.

The momentum system would make DB completely different, for sure. Not sure it would be annoying. Is real life annoying? Are football computer games annoying (don't answer. most people think they're good :p)? I would have been shocked if you liked the idea. :)
Last edited by The_One on 08-09-2006 15:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by priior »

i think ur on to something here the one!

how about a visual spin toggle?

u see on the screen what spin is chosen.. and with a key u can toggle thru them..

(like hit key once-> topspin, twice->backspin, thrice->flat)

so u can pick it in advance.. and keep it in that setting. (for volleys)

maybe same can be down for sidepsins?

this will mean a change to the hud tho.. 'bout time maybe ;)
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Post by DavidM »

i had a little arrow in mind to be put in the middle of the screen, so you see which one you picked.

we will try this 1-button solution when we are done with the bug fixing
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Post by Inphidel »

I think the ability to add spin imediately following a shot or hit is a great idea.. so its almost like a mind control on the ball so to speak.

so you'd volley the ball and then hold the middlemouse button and move your mouse in the dirrection you want to curve it. that'd be pretty hot. and easy for anyone to pickup and use without needing to setup a ton of keys.

a visual display would be a must anything as simple as a 9 dirrectional icon around your vicinity radar would do


you know? cept all arrows in each dirrection just have them all grey and go gold color as u move the mouse