Nobody but Dave can code DB... you understand that??? NOBODY! Or else you know what he'll do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, HUH? CAN YOU HANDLE THAT??? He may sick this guy on you though:
RaGe|DB wrote:
Could be brilliant, make it happen!
Are you gonna give him all of the goddamn money?
Or are you sit aroung and demand stuff.
The cost for releasing a game is ALOT more than making it.
Are you some four year old who buys everything in a store with thier parents credit card and then buys the store becuase he thinks his parents money is infinite?
Last edited by keyonte on 22-01-2007 12:11, edited 1 time in total.
i have put this one to the think-tank and the team have come up with the slogan "Stirring up internet emotions in angsty, impotent rage-fuelled teens since mid 2003"
I think its a pretty catchy hook and will increase sales 30%.
You know we would all just break our TVs trying to boost, shoot, tackle, etc. Not to mention, half of those playing would be exhausted and fake lag out to the corner (especially Dirt!) halfway through a match.
Of course, I would still buy it and put my TV at risk!