
Look for maps, show your maps...

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Post by Twigstir »

Someone asked me to post this.


1.) print screen a top view picture of your map. (up the grid size a lot so you don't see too much grid in the pic.) [The pic is stored in clipbrb temporarily but who cares, just follow step two]
2.) paste it in paint (open paint>edit>paste)
3.) cut out a square around your map. [that dotted rectangle symbol>drag it around your map until you have the same x and y number of pixcels (bottom right)]
4.) paste the cut out in new window in paint. (edit>cut (step3) then File>new>edit>paste)
5.) save as a tiff file
6.) open in photoshop
7.) resize to 512x512 ( help>resize image>online)
8.) paint your radar (I used the pencil tool/color swatches and did it by pixcels){continue to save your progress as a tiff file}
9.) save your "all done" radar as DDS(dxt1) or 24 bit bmp. (DDS will distort the pixcels so you must have lines at least two pixcels wide.) {BMP will not distort but it's not as "fast" for the engine as DXT1.)
10.) follow the mapping guide to set up in your map.

Hope this helps. It's easy, after you figure it out.

Making it look better by using an alpha channel is also easy. Just create a new channel in photoshop. Go to your RBG view and use the magic wand to select the outside of your map. Select inverse. Go back to the alpha channel and use the paint bucket to fill the center area a gray shade like 25%.

A little fooling around and you'll figure it out.