
Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by The_One »

Not that I know of. I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong.

There's so much that could be done. All ball sports should have at least some representation in first-person form.
Last edited by The_One on 17-12-2006 05:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by `Ghost` »

Tennis sucked. Fizzy is a real jerk
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Post by beefsack »

tennis was the most awesome thing ever, we had a tourney for the old one in db, and a tourney with the standalone here in aus :o so much fun when players get good
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Post by DavidM »

only thing i had to do with tennis is that i got rid of it
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

overon wrote: David I don't get it. Why is the backspin shot the fastest shot? You guys watch tennis. Topspin aka forward spin shots are the fastest shots. You are violating the laws of physics.

if u wanna hear my opinion to this,

if u are starting to discuss what realistic sense the features of Db have u have to ask 2 why people are able to jump 4 tim3s in the air and why u may spawn at ur pbox after u get killed etc, because there u are violating the rules of physics too, dont u ?

tbh its a game and if games (same as movies imo) are created realistic they just suck. games dont need to have to do smth with reality thats why they are games and even if u spin it upwards and the ball would then make a looping in the air it would be ok imo :s

i think u shudnt try to make it more realistic because its a game etc.. but tahts only my opinion.

violationg the laws of physics...:hmmmz: who cares !
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Post by The_One »

DavidM apparently. :)
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Post by `Ghost` »

Agree with Dommeh. You cant make db realistic, end of story.
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Post by priior »

imagine db-tennis with ann the new spins.. would be so cool! :)
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Post by DavidM »

games offer room to overdo and exagerate all, otherwise its boring.

i dispise games where you get slow when you run backwards...where your weapons need to reload, where one hit with a simple gun is deadly....etc

we jump 8 meters high in deathball, we make every 100m sprinter look noobish. the exagerated contrast in lighting is far away from the real world but it makes you wish reality was looking that saturated. our shots are just there to be cool and fun....with those exagerated physics and all
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Post by `Ghost` »

I like the realistic games. Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint etc
But making unrealistic games realistic I dont :)
Thats what I meant earlier o;
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

people agree with me \o/
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Post by priior »

there's realistic and then there's logical.

good games/scenarios etc.. need just a small mental leap of imagination and the rest just makes sense.

the brain can understand why we jump 10 feet etc.. but breaking basic laws of physics is.. i donno, feels counterintuitive.
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Post by mephistophel »

bring back db_tennis for 2.4+spins! -hova
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Post by The_One »

Are you going to remove the low self-volley power?

Edit: and it seems like the ball is going through people again. It plays the deflect sound but ends up coming out the back of them (offline and on).

Bots sometimes warp around the map when in practice mode (dunno about when not in practice mode).
Last edited by The_One on 19-12-2006 05:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

the "through people" thing seems to be like in 2.3 again....
i mailed goldy about it, asking if that can be possible or if he has an idea.
weird stuff, i dislike this version....but it can only get better xD