C&C3 Demo

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Post by [1234]Jr »

I'm home for the weekend so I've left it downloading at the flat. Don't tell my flatmate, though, he'd kill me.

Anyway, is it anything special David? Or "just another RTS" like I reckon it'll be?

Oh and I didnt like Supreme Commander, I thought it was way too slow.. Lifes too short! :rolleyes:
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Post by DavidM »

I really really like the balancing, armor/hurt wise relation between vehicles, infantry etc...
earlier it felt like a waste building infantry. high price and they died like flies. this is now solved.

The atmosphere rules and the look of the maps. Getting darker every level with impressive landscapes and amazing buildings....(woah...gotta see that scrin-tower in italy)

The interface and the tricky binds and formation options are cool. i dunno if its new, havent played any RTS lately (like..double click a mammoth tank and it will select all other mammoths in view. or when you select units with a box it leaves out the harvesters...and lots of little cool things to make your life easier).

ya well, pretty cool. just there was no really good base-less mission. The ones without a base lacked something...like a tactical use of the units. It's pretty much "select all and rush through the map".
(almost done with GDI...havent played Nod yet at all).

Anyway...pretty cool all. No real complain and addicted.
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Post by DavidM »

on the bonus dvd they some wallpapers. this is my favourite. a tiberium version of the default XP background
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Post by BunnyS »

AoE ll

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Post by Isil »

Mm.. ought to check it out when I have money for a new pc. ..right

In the mean time I enjoy playing Warhammer Dawn of War: Dark Crusade. Pretty neat campaign.
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Hmm, it is a bit samey but I'm enjoying the storyline so I've kept at it.. stuck on the first NOD mission in Northern Italy though (Act V) :(
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Post by DavidM »

in gdi i was pretty straight through.
the late nod missions are getting hard.
scrin missions (scrin campaign appears when you are done with the others) are all pretty tough. i think im at the last level.

which is the northern italy one? :o
which i found impossible at first was the nod mission where you had to take over 4 bases/head quarters
but it can be done in 5 minutes :s

i like how you get pieces of the story in every campaign and they piece together so well. in the old games you got a different story for every campaign. here its the same for all, thats just great <3
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Well I didnt wanna ruin it for people who haven't played it ya see ;)


The Northern Italy one is when Kane informs you that the visitors aren't as friendly as he would have liked, so he's giving you the latest NOD weapon - the Catalytic Missle .. thing! Problem if you have to go capture the building for it which is under arial and ground assault by the Scrin.

So you start on a small base, then capture it, then are expected to wipe out the 3 Scrin bases.. I keep getting wiped out before I take down a second base :(

The story is good, though, it's kept me playing. I'm up to Germany with GDI now. Woo.
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Post by beefsack »

had a few 8 player games at a lan last night they were awesome :D especially free for all games, just massive nonstop warfare :o
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Post by DavidM »

oh that catalyst level was damn easy.
i just moved all my stuff right over into the other base right away (turning the HQ into a vehicle again) which is possible there, unlike in some other levels). so you only have to defend one base...
some obelisks for the ground troops and some venoms for the long range fly things of the aliens (god...hate them...)
the one blue tiberium field and the money tower is way enough...so <3