Hell on Earth

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Hell on Earth

Post by The_One »


My phone line's just come back up after being down since Thursday. No internet connection for nearly a week! xD

I'm old enough to remember before the internet (BBS ruled /cough) but now life without it seems intolerable. Makes me think I'm too reliant on it.

What's the longest you've been without an internet connection (since you first had one :p)? How'd you find it? Any longer and I'd have been tearing my hair out.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

dunno, around 3 weeks on holiday, which was perfect. And one week at home like 1 month ago, whcih was annoyign because I had no phone at the time and I dont live with my parents anymore, so i wasn't reachable, but being without internet is fine with me:)
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Post by priior »

longest was a month.. when they screwed up the internet connection...

its not too bad u find other things to do..

the place gets cleaner too.
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Post by DavidM »

on holidays i dont miss it. but under normal circumstances i was missing it for about a week. was horrible :P

a computer is pointless without internet, it seems
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Post by The_One »

DavidM wrote: a computer is pointless without internet, it seems
So true.

I'll admit my current circumstances aren't exactly the norm though. I'm pretty much stuck inside the whole time. :*(

On holiday I don't want to go near a computer.
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Post by priior »

computer without internet is very useful when u record music
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Re: Hell on Earth

Post by Axl »

The_One wrote: (BBS ruled /cough)

LOL So true! :D I use to run a BBS, started on 2400bps :D Met my wife on a BBS "Wall" :D lol
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Re: Re: Hell on Earth

Post by The_One »

Axl wrote: Met my wife on a BBS "Wall" :D lol
Wow, very nice. I didn't get much further than playing MUDs and downloading stuff. Although I was only ten or something. xD
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Post by DavidM »

what is my recoreded stuff worth if i cant put it online? :P
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Post by priior »

BBSes ruled.

i used to be a bulletin board and trade wars junkie for years (good old 2400 days.. never did 1200 or 300)

music? for urself of course:)
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Post by BunnyS »

My pc died once and just wouldn't start at all , I had to wait 3 weeks for it to be sorted. I nearly died !

There was only so many other things I could do ! :P
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Post by speedy »

except from a 2 week holiday, about 2 or 3 days when some chavs set a green box on fire
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Post by snackbar »

My best friend, 29, has never really used a computer. she has on ocassion to send me an email, maybe once every 2 or 3 months. but thats all she does with it. shes a massage therapist too with a list of clients.
I just, don't, understand.
I tell her she could make things a lot easier for herself. But she just wont do it, she hates the computer, (likely because shes never used one regularly and it seems hard at this point). Its crazy to me though.
She lives 3 provinces away, but if she were here i'd sit her down and teach her.
And she's pretty much an independant therapist too, she doesnt realize how it could organize her and help her with the financial stuff.
She says shes getting a laptop, we'll see.
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Post by priior »

well the problem with computers is that u get addicted to them.. and next thing u know, ur life start revolving around it.

thats a scary situation to reach. even in a business setting.. its nice to have a computer help out.. but u have to be ready for the day ur computer doesnt work...
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Post by Jelly »

Did you get your net back?