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Post by DavidM »

he doesn't do anything really. just a puppet watching what the others do and later he has to explain to the public what they want him to tell.

the guys in the background need someone stupid enough to be the frontman, to show his face, so the others can remain unseen and secret.
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Post by kewangji »

Kay then, do you think that the US government blew up a building and two or more planes to get an excuse for fetching oil in Iraq and shit? That's just absurd, but conspiracy theorists are often absurd.
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Post by DavidM »

sure they did. the owner of the building even admited it on TV, and TV channels AND giuliani obviously knew it before too.

do you know the whole silverstein story, about all the asbestos?
getting the asbestos out of the building would have been way too expensive, but blowing them up would even get money to him ;)
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Post by subgenius »

On July 24, 2001 Silverstein won a 99 year lease on the world trade center buildings. As a private developer with a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center, Silverstein insured the property. Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, he sought payment for the destruction of the towers as two incidents. In total, Silverstein was awarded nearly $5 billion in insurance money following the destruction of the Twin Towers. (thanks wikipedia)

Isnt it strange that the only buildings to fall on 9/11 were those owned by Larry Silverstein??? Even when buildings that were closer to WTC7 had significantly more damage and never fell (eg. WTC 4)?
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Post by DavidM »

well its common knowledge that they were were brought down by explosives....there are even official sources saying that, contradicting to the official 911 story....and they still make fun of these "conspiracy theories"....if there is one, its the official story.

anyway, they said they pulled the buildings to protect the others, they were afraid of a domino effect etc. well sounds like bullshit to hide the actual reasons.

so was silverstein involved in all or was it just "oh thanks for giving me a reason to pull em"?
the last would be too lose imo ;)
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Post by subgenius »

Big business, government and the media are involved in a sordid "menage a trois", each feeding off the others.
it is the role of the media to back the government propaganda. The real issues will never be discussed, only mocked and criticized (Hi FOX news). The role of the media is to program and 'educate' the public, who are viewed by the elite to be stupid and ignorant, who do not see the big picture of 'what is best for their country (meaning the elite). The media and government must warn the stupid public of dangers facing the country (then: Communism, now: Terrorism).
Those who knew of the attacks were in positions to profit from them. and profit they did.

I highly recommend Noam Chomsky's book Necessary Illusions - Thought Control in Democratic Societies.
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Post by DavidM »

To me its adding up that the rich ones (rothschild, rockefeller etc [all jews...]) get the media to shut up and to support them, and the rich ones also get into politics to make decisions they need.
i mean they even said this...rockefeller said he thanks the media for shutting up in the last 50 years, and now the new world order can't be stopped anymore etc.
all talking in public about this already, and people think we are going tinfoil-hat if we mention it. the media do a good job making people believe this stuff is bullshit and all who think so are nuts.

but for how long can it go well? the people is getting poorer every day. they are still fine and can live fine, but they have less every day and one day the corrupt system beats itself, when the rich ones notice they cant buy anything from their money.
(i stopped hoping those persons will notice that happiness cannot be found in money or power)
Last edited by DavidM on 14-06-2007 15:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

The production of the century (911) ... /#comments

Let's see when it gets removed from google video...
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Post by kewangji »

DavidM wrote: sure they did. the owner of the building even admited it on TV, and TV channels AND giuliani obviously knew it before too.

do you know the whole silverstein story, about all the asbestos?
getting the asbestos out of the building would have been way too expensive, but blowing them up would even get money to him ;)
If that were true he'd either be dead or some shit. I mean, why owuldn't he say that, there's a lot of money in consporacy, in any way you shape it. I don't believe it.
And on the deleting stuff part, would you like it if I made threads about you being a nazi who likes to participate in cosplay at anime conventions? Of course they don't like flase rumours being spread...
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Post by slimshady »

are the videos about google being nazis ?
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

absolute brilliant video :o well done
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Post by priior »

very nicely done the zeitgeist video.

conspiracy theory has such a bad connotation.

does that mean there are no conspiracies in the world? everything is done out in the open and by the book? scheming is only in our imagination?

just because the words conspiracy theory is made to bring up loony people images in our minds, does that automatically erase all occurances of conspiracies?

anybody who has been in a position of leadership (irc, deathball, etc...) knows the value of conspiracies. behind the scenes talks.. decisions taken without anyone knowing. bans implemented then diverted attention. rallying up support from key people before a major action is taken.. we're all familiar with this. and we're all amateurs! imagine professional leaders leading biggest powerhouses in the world...

have we become that naive that we think the world as black and white?
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Post by kewangji »

'Course not. There's a possibility, but I really don't think that means Bush's bosses had anything to do with Twin towers. Nice speech though :)

I think conspiracies are far more common amongst small things, such as, than amongst the really huge things, in size of 9/11.
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Post by DavidM »

absolutely right prii (as usual).
the words conspiracy theory is so badly chosen, i avoid both.

creationists also use it to say "evolution is just a theory" etc.

but if you look close at what a "theory" is, you'd be surprised, it's a very advanced stage.

the first stage is a hypothesis, and if falsification fails, its a successfull theory.

sure, many so called theories are just hypothesis and nothing more than that. well the word sucks.

also a video thats worth watching: ... ember.html

a different point of view. "who benefited from 911"
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Post by kewangji »

Conspiracy accusations. I like the sound of that. While the US-of-A might benefit from it, I don't think that they're that evil. But if they are ... =(