New Medicine (a side track topic)

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Post by DavidM »

If you tell someone about the theory and ask about his need to know what kind of cancer he has, so you can tell what kind of conflict it must have been and about when it was. Its not just a shock and random cancer somewhere.

If everything is fine, but there was something bad 2 years ago, that she didn't tell anyone about.... you never know. It's not always the obvious (losing partner or someone dying).
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

i agree with bunny^ its just like with horoscopes oberflächlich gesagt. you read things and then you make the things which happen at that day to you fit to the horoscope in your head
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Post by DavidM »

yes, at first it looked like that to me too. it feels a bit 'blurry' at times. thats with smaller things, like caries, neurodermitis etc, because they don't require a DHS (the dramatic shock), but cancer always does. so no doubt about cancer.
and for the smaller things you can pretty much locate it too, solve it and its gone. it just proved to be right....and nobody could prove it wrong in 25 years.

btw...something interesting you have to try: you know stuff like flu, head ache, fever is what you get after you solved a conflict. so watch yourself...when you sneeze or your nose is running...remember what you did 5-10 minutes ago (or so), was there a conflict, something small that annoyed you?
i had a conflict with my girlfriend, 5 minutes later it was ok, and another 5 minutes later i sneezed.
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Post by priior »

oh boy.. this is getting crazy...

there's no "know-it-all" doctrine out there if there was then it couldnt be kept secret.

as bunny mentioned, one problem with this new german medicine thing is that it's in german. anything english on it is just theory with no proof, case studies, etc...

western medicine IS operative medicine. after the fact the medicine. dammage happens, then western medicine comes to the rescue. you eat french fries all day u become a fat ass, u get a heart attack, western medicine saves ur life.

this doesn't mean western medicine doesn't focus on prevention.. it does.. everyone is told constantly not to do the things that are unhealthy.. except that western culture doesn't like to listen.

from what i understand from whatever i can translate from german from the GNM stuff is that.. u sufer some form of an emotional stress, it triggers some process in ur brain, which in turn fucks something up in ur body.

tbh, this isnt too groundbreaking to me. most of us already inherintly know this.. when u go thru a stressful time.. u get sick.. u get the flue more often.. u dont sleep for a few nights u catch a cold etc..

all this is cool.. what i wanna see is some case studies that involve _healing_ someone from an ailment using GNM. things like: here is a ase of pancreatic cancer, this guy is fucked. now we gonna a GNM treatment, and some time later, this guy has no longer any traces of pancreatic cancer and lives life like everybody else.

THAT's what i want to see... and if it;s out there it must be in german cuz i can't find it.
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Post by DavidM »

the message is only slowly spreading. he is german, so it starts spreading in germany. i dont know if his books have been translated. but its very hard to get them here...
no idea what the .ca page covers, but some people should pick up the topic and make a proper english page i guess.

i've read a lot of mail traffic by hamer to politicians and others. incredible. they all turn him down so badly....
"we dont care about this, bye". not quite like that, but not much different.
a 3 page long letter to our chancelor, and all he gets back "this was no question, so we can't do anything for you". i'm still waiting for the FIRST proper contra for this topic. nobody really makes sense. just distracting from the topic.

I'm in a gnm forum (German) with lots of experience reports from members. also every health question can be asked and they always have a clue what it ACTUALLY is, contrary to the school medicine dogma ;)
most there know this stuff for years, so they are a good help.

i have those who got their cancer healed at first hand. also in the docu i linked (well german or dutch) it shows a lot of cancer cases.

as far as i know, eating shit doesn't help the immune system and it makes you fat, but it doesnt give you either diabetes or heart attaches. these are other things....and when fat people get them, they say, its because of that.
to be exact...a heart attack is basically nothing, its positive. its part of some healing phases. sounds scary, eh?
most stuff we actually feel and see is the healing phase, and THEN we go to the doctor, who will fuck around in your healing (where nothing is needed) and interrupt things.

im gonna have a look at and see if it has enough info.
i only know has soooooo much, its incredible.
anyway...this topic needs to be digged out, to make people understand their bodies. its all so easy and obvious! just we are too SM-brainwashed it seems...with all its hypothesises. we have internalized them so deep, its hard to get them out of our minds. also we never questioned these things.
Last edited by DavidM on 01-07-2007 00:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by priior »

erm a heart attack kills you.

or is death part of the healing process? :)

as i said.. it's promising but gotta see results first! there are too many charlatans out there. and results mean peer reviewed.. not just one guy and his studies...
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Post by DavidM »

depends on what heart attack. some healing phases have a heart attack. when you get it, its all fine.
so this is all predictable, and you know what to expect.
he says, when a gay person gets into a leading position, he might get a heart attack and die immediately. :o

I've checked the english page.'s more like an introduction, but no details. But they have the book there.

Charlatans. Propaganda media call him that, but are so totally one sided, its silly and depressing.
When one of Hamer's patients dies, they go crazy about him killing people. But Chemo therapy killing 1500 in Germany a day is fine....but this sure wont be mentioned ;)

Anyway, keep in mind, that this GNM could not be falsificated since it exists (81 or so)...try to find one single page that proves something in all of this wrong.

This sure isn't enough for one to just believe all this. For that, you need to read into each illness, and compare with your reality and experience, or heal yourself and others.
Too bad I have nothing right now, and no friend does. I'd love to heal someone :D
But at least the past now makes sense.
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Post by DavidM »

Hihi, this one is like most of it ... index.html

It's nowhere being reasonable. It's all like "this sounds so new to me, it cannot be true, this is clearly a sect" blah blah ;)
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Post by DavidM »

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Post by BunnyS »

deleted all my posts because I don't want anything to do with this anymore. Anything anyone says falls on DEAF ears so what's the point ?

hf o/
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Post by Fragger »

Forgot to delete that one buns.
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Post by DavidM »

I replied to almost all of it.
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

=D I'd delete my posts 2 if I could ^
im too stupid to conversate with you guys.
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Post by Shady »

Thought i would just put my input into this post, I haven't bothered to read most of what anybody has said nor have i watched any of the videos (lol). Anyway i believe this Hamer guy or whatever is talking completely bullshit, David you say that we are all listening to lies about how cancer isn't curable etc and how we haven't heard the truth? i would like to know where you are getting this truth from because as far as i know you are just trusting the word of this Hamer guy who could easily just be full of shit. You have no facts and are just being weak minded and following what this guy is stating. My 2 cents.
Last edited by Shady on 17-08-2007 15:40, edited 1 time in total.