New Medicine (a side track topic)

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Post by DavidM »

It's exciting knowing something, hardly anyone does, isn't it? :)
I'm really excited about this, because it's amazing. I'm no 911-whatever-fan, I just wanna know what happened, because this act is being used by all western countries to introduce fascism even more.
I know the official story is bullshit and all arrows point to the Bush regime.
I'm not going thru all this now, it would require books. So does the media manipulation and secret society topic. The media saying that conspiracies of any kind are ridiculous etc doesn't really prove it any different. It's just hinting you that they try to distract you. And by what they do, you see how bad it is, if you start thinking for yourself at some point.
Our media are all controlled by a hand full of people and follow the same route, they all show you the same, hide the same from you, create the same opinion about every matter etc.
If you don't know anything about that, you can hardly claim the opposite, I know what's going on there by now. If you look close, it's getting obvious, and I did look close for quite long until it pissed me off so much that I got rid of the TV, because there is hardly any topic where it's not the opposite being true. But as long as people make fun of "conspiracy theories" (as the media want them to) their system works, and people don't wake up to the reality. We don't have the truth, but we know what's not the truth, and on the truth seeking path you find many truths as well. Don't be so naive...the lie is everywhere, and being in the majority it feels well and all trust it without any backup.

Many doctors know the actual causes to the so called diseases, many don't. Many just study these dozens of hypothesises at university, believe them without proof (like you do, if I may add) and then they think they do something good to people.
But most doctors would never get themselves chemo therapy, or to their loved ones. Neither do they get vaccines, cause they know not a single one of them has a positive effect, just random poison (eh...they put quicksilver and other shit into this stuff, hi2u :D).

All virus stuff is made up in fact. Look close and you won't find anything. No proof, nothing. If you call em and ask for something, they distract you...."err...go look at our homepage, bye *clack*", but there is nothing.
But they can sell medication by creating fear. We have to come to our senses, the pharma industry is the biggest in the world, they own so many lobbies and control so much. They make sure this stuff here ain't coming out. Calling it names instead of proving it wrong, because they can't. But that way people dont trust it, because TV said its BAD. ;) lol
Whenever a doctor has no clue what it could be, they blame a out.

In case of chemo, watch statistics or studies. They are no good. But you know how expensive this shit is. Make someone believe its helpful, and you got half a million in your pocket. With this money you can buy more control, people and ads.
In return, you prove that chemo helps, if you believe that. Have fun finding a piece of evidence (ps: 5 out of 100 patience getting rid of cancer while getting chemo, the rest dying, is no good evidence, hihi :))

Go watch someone who has breast cancer and finds the origin, solves the problem and sees the cancer go away. How should I show it to you? :)
If someone has something, he can check if the conflict is right. And in case of conflict solution the person can check if its going away.

The heart attack always happens in the middle of the 2nd phase of a territory conflict. Gotta wait until you got one, but gotta make up your mind about it first...know the 5 laws of the new medicine. If the conflict takes too long, the hearth attack will kill you. Too bad, but thats natural law. Cortison can help making it a weaker heart attack, but experienced doctors can pinpoint the heart attack down to 1 or 2 days, where it will happen. If it's survived = win!

"Cancer" is good for something...
Watch the function of all cell-plus ("cancer") in the body, and you will see what use it has. In the breast it produces more milk, in the stomach it helps make better use of all food, in the bronchias it helps breathing better etc...
Just humans are not thinking biologically. So when an animal is having a fear of starving, it will either find something in 30 days, or die. We think having no money will make us starve, so we are afraid forever but never starve, and the tumor in the liver keeps growing, because money isnt food. We always have food, no matter how much money we have. The dead animal wont have anything big in the liver, because only after 3 months its big enough to really see it. Ah whatever, could go on forever.

Im sorry, I have no chinese text that shows they have no "cancer" ;)
Well I could paste you some, and I'm sure they dont talk about it in it. But I believe those who say so, because they have been right and trustful up to that day.

If you make fun of a proof, it's getting silly. I can proof the sneeze thing all the time.
Little conflict....conflict-solution, sneeze.
It's just a very very little "disease", which is funny that it's also proving right in such small things.
When you sneeze think back what annoyance you just solved. (If you got dust in your nose, it doesn't count :P, I mean it coming out of nothingness).

I'm not reading it again, so keep the typos if you find them, and don't rely on me. Check it for yourself. It's just an amazing never failing piece of science, and we all can check it. But we need to read into it to understand things. Dr Hamer says everybody can learn it in 3 days. There is no believing in the new medicine, just understand and test it. No religion like the school medicine..."we think its a virus". "You might have cancer". "We dunno what to do, we'll just try chemo" blah blah. I heard too much ;)
Last edited by DavidM on 04-09-2007 01:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

ps: ... Trnava.jpg

one of many successfull verifications (about 50)...amongst no unsuccessfull ones. ask those who tested it, if its right or not if you even doubt that ;)

and i'd be interested in a verification certificate for the school medicine. they have a healing promise and fail so badly all the time, gotta be a desaster to test it and its predictions :s
Last edited by DavidM on 04-09-2007 01:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Adversary »

half the time you sound like someone who is badly trying to debunk the whole of our currect medicine...

I know ur really just trying to make your point half the time, but could you just clarify this for us
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Post by DavidM »

once you see how badly wrong our medicine is, its hard to sound friendly to them :P
they're just making experiments, they have no logic explanation for anything.

not all is is great stuff, but often its used when it shouldnt.
some doctors secretly use the new medicine, but dont say it loud, or their job is gone. healing without making money isn't wanted.
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Post by siLVer »

give me the proof that this world isn't built up my capitalism and consumptionism (dunno if this word excists in english) and i'll say that davidm talks shit.

no one says that people are evil. no one cares about people, they're an insignificant and exchangeable consumer.

if you dont know that, you really miss a lot what happens around you =)

read what Marx says about the teaching of systems, and think about it again.

its pretty naiv to think that anyone cares about good and bad and helping or not helping
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Post by DavidM »

the "proof" thing is pretty silly anyway. suggest that some general well known (unproven) claim is right, and when you are told its wrong, ask for a proof? wrong way around :P
I don't need to proof that HIV doesn't exist. Those who claim it for 30 years now should prove the existance instead of dodging the topic, for example.
we are fucked up by believing what we are being told all day long without questioning it, and suspect evil when someone tells you different :P
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Post by :-) »

Personally I'd trust David to know about HIV. He's gay and clearly a bottom.