Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Should V3/DeeZ be ejected from the DBL?

Yes, both
No, only DeeZ or V3, not both
Total votes: 111

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Post by uberslacker »

personally, i agree completely with surge (holy crap). before v3, waay back in 1.3b and 1.4b, the american db community was flourishing. I remember the big four clans, RusH, NS, L7, and SoP always played with eachother and had great respect for one another when playing... aka no bug goals and nothing cheap. Even though i didn't particularly like Zan that much, i'd definately take him and L7 over v3, because the majority of L7 were good sports and were respectable. V3 on the other hand gives no respect and i would say definately makes the american db community a lot less fun.

If v3 would just shut up about things and be good sports and basically play fair (bug goals) i would be fine with them. But its no surprise to me that good players (blaag) are leaving because of them, because they screw the community over. I and probably the rest of the american db community will never give them respect because of how they've handled themselves since they formed.
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Post by Notorius_G.I.B. »

Yah, I guess it would make my intraweb pen0r a bit bigger.

Perhaps you can put that on your resume right under trading snowballs with X.
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Post by [V3]Optimal »

WTF are these bug goals? Every match I've been in we have never scored off something cheap. Anyways, I don't speak for the rest of V3 when I say I really don't need anyones respect in the DB scene. DB is a game that I enjoy to play. I treat everyone fairly and don't ask for anything in return. If someone has to leave a game because of a particular clan, then that person has a weak character. Pointing the finger at V3 is childish. But then again I don't know how old you guys are. I myself am 21 so pety shit doesn't bother me in the least.

I think the real reason people are so angry with V3 is just because we are #1. And when you're on the top, you'll always have haters. If we would the worst db clan. No one would give a shit. It's just a game though. V3 pulled together some good clanless players. And made an ill unit that could compete with the top DB clans. That in my eye's is a huge accomplishment.
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Post by Panzer »

Kings of a broken community...


It pains me to see this game in this state. It gets worse everyday. I can't take either side, because I haven't played DB in so long, I barely remeber what the game looks like. :p

I just <3 Xel.

*e: What truly sickens me after reading more, is that the constant cock fight attitude of "I AM R TEH BATTAR PLYAER I SI RIGHT I > YUO!". Seriously, guys, c'mon.
Last edited by Panzer on 25-07-2003 15:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Larc »

i have been on a top clan, and a few others that weren't so top. no matter if we won or lost we tried to be good sports. saying that you cant help totally crushing an apponent is total b.s. most clans dont rub it in and run the score up. but somehow... you can't help it?

surge gets a bit emotional sometimes and when he had a few moments during games i told him my opinions and he has gotten much better.

V3 on the other hand... every time i've told then about sportsmanship or just general human interaction just spam back pointless remarks and often attack me personally. when i brought it up with the supposed leadership i was told that Sin will do what Sin wants to do and that he's not his babysitter.

while i dont think they should be kicked out of the league... if i could ignore them all in game i would. i do know they are bad for the community. there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about that.
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Post by nihility »

is this right?
i agree with surge?

yeah, i do
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Post by [-SoP-]LegolaS »

optimal, though ive never seen you play, i can tell your a v3 by your shitty 'im better than you' attitude, every reply so far has shown that you are just an ignorant fuck who has no clue what he's takling about
This would be from the first paragraph in your first reply.
We don’t boast about our victories.

thats just obviously bs and one of the stupidest things i have EVER heard anyone say....
Someonewhere near the bottom of your first reply...
V3 are the top players. We don’t use any cheap plays to our advantage. If it’s available to us, we will use it. It’s that simple.

riight, you dont use cheap plays, but if a play is available you use plays are available arent they? so i guess that means you use them doesnt it? your just stupid...
Clans like RusH, NS and SoP had there chance to pick up players like myself. But they decided we were either not good enough or had bad attitudes. Well I guess that back fired. Because now all these people who weren’t good enough to begin with are blowing you guys out.

get off your high horse opti, v3 never even lets you guys play
Every match I've been in we have never scored off something cheap.

ya, cuz u never play
I think the real reason people are so angry with V3 is just because we are #1. And when you're on the top, you'll always have haters.

uh huh thats bullshit there, when SoP and L7 and all them were on top nobody hated them, we just respected them, you guys are on top and your a buncha fucking dicks

i say anytime anyone has a match with v3, just forfeit it and dont play it, let them keep racking up the wins but dont get to play, dont scrim them, dont pug with them, dont join their server, maybe they will go away... hopefully..... since i doubt that davidm will ban them (solely based on the fact that surge wants them gone and davidm seems to hate surge :lol: )
sorry to the few v3 members who are cool, like xelent and others but this shit has to stop, v3 is single handedly going to bring down deathball in NA, now their disease is spreading to euro, we need to do something about this shit
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Post by Imaginos »

While I disagree with the tone of this thread, I guess I should be thankful that people can see the hell I'm in.. After all, it's not easy being an adult in among so many kids that don't have the same values as I do. It's why I still keep the BuF tag.. The BeyondUnreal guys are about class, honorable fair play and good sportsmanship. Maybe it's a maturity issue? I don't know.. but it has been extremely difficult for me to remain V3 while watching my clanmates trample the core values that BuF represents to me. I tried explaining it to my boys a few times and naturally, noone listened. "Leave then" you might say.. Sure.. except I don't quit so easily. It started out well enough, and there's hope for these guys yet. Like it or not, everyone has to grow up sometime and sooner of later the nonesense I spout will make sense to some of them.

Surge, this is certainly a wake up call to my guys that their behavior is doing nothing but causing resentment. Not being liked by anyone is hardly grounds to be bounced from a league though, I'm sure you understand that.
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Surge and everyone else that plays db...

Post by ven0m »

Stupid ass posts like this are the beginning of an end for everyone playing this game. I've seen it happen in a lot of other games and you're just doing it out of frustration..
There's no doubt about it... V3 act like bastards, but only when someone starts some shit, and it always comes down to - we beat your clan.. that being the true part of any arguement that anyone starts upsets people... if you don't like the fact that there's a better clan, then leave, get better, stfu? Do something better with your time.
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Post by Surge »

we've beaten V3... it was a long time ago before you were even in it, ven0m. Were actually 1-2, so i guess we did beat you... whats your other arguements?

kthnx pwned nubcake? thanks but we dont need this bullshit.

Simple fact is that V3 is a dieseas to this community more than you can possibly understand and untill you do, this community will remain in the downward spiral of its current state.

I still love DB, i still play it. I don't want V3, or any other idiots like V3, ruining a game i like to play. I didnt pee in your kool-aid, to shit on my game.
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Post by Panzer »

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Post by Panzer »

Imaginos wrote: It's why I still keep the BuF tag.. The BeyondUnreal guys are about class, honorable fair play and good sportsmanship. Maybe it's a maturity issue?

I've got two words Imag.

phil and amanda.

Thats just those 2. BuF isn't any more "mature" than this. C'mon, I hang around the chat all day. I KNOW the immaturity level of BU.
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Post by gnomeh »

i didnt read anything, not one bit of anyone posts but all i have to say is i could care less about what any of you peopel wrote against us.
sure, maybe we get a little cocky....but that cockiness is sarcasm and anything we have said...we've backed up. Only thing is sin, who has stfu. He only posts when u post surge to say how ur a "dick ass wipe nubcake fag boy asshat".
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Post by [-SoP-]LegolaS »

thx for showing maturity imag, but i think your hope is pretty misplaced...v3 isnt gonna grow up.. sorry
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Post by Surge »

gnomeh wrote: i didnt read anything, not one bit of anyone posts but all i have to say is i could care less about what any of you peopel wrote against us.
sure, maybe we get a little cocky....but that cockiness is sarcasm and anything we have said...we've backed up. Only thing is sin, who has stfu. He only posts when u post surge to say how ur a "dick ass wipe nubcake fag boy asshat".

this post proves further that V3 doesnt give a rats ass about our community, only about winning.

I dont care if they're still around to be honest. I just want them kicked out of the league to stop this bullshit power-trip they're on.