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Post by Mighty Midget »

DavidM wrote: we all always have cancer, so if you look close enough you will find something

First point:
Nope. I've had asthma since before I could speak or understand a word, so no doc ever told me I had it. I have it alright. Asthma, but cancer never came up when I talked to him later on.

Second point: Very good point. May I suggest you listen to your own words here?

Honestly, David, your posts are becoming more and more bizarre. No, I'm not a doctor, nor am I getting paid by them to say this, but your arguements bear a striking resemblance to what I've heard before, from people not fit to roam around freely, if you get my drift. Seriously: Stop reading and studying all that much, get a break from everything and get a nice , relaxing holiday. I'm dead serious. And no, I'm not gonna baby-talk you when you show these signs.
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Post by DavidM »

You need to understand what Asthma actually is. Its the epi-crisis in a healing phase. There are several occasions. But you need to understand the new medicine in detail first. And it is in fact related to "cancer" too. Part of the whole thing is cells being removed and filled up again. Some school medicines call it cancer if they see it happening, sometimes. Everything is "cancer", because everything is related to cell plus or cell minus. But all school medicine hypotheses about this subject are profoundly wrong.

Thats fine, you don't need to agree with anything. Nor will I put up studies or ultimate proofs here. I know that what I say is true and I'm waking people up to the facts. It all sounds bizarre because the whole world is totally the wrong way around, and we are being told everything backwards.
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

im afraid to post here, because i guess people think "bla david brainwashed him" if you support david.

i can say that much: the new medicine is nothing you need to belief into, it seems to always fit and make sence, sometimes it isnt directly open to you but if you got the point you can easily explain things with it. and the questions about the government controlling everyhting etc, i guess there is way much behind it than we know.

i just can tell from my point: im not the smartest. but always i try to get david say wrong things or try to reach him to a point where he just has no idea or cant explain that either, it fails in icq. things often just fit and are easily explainable you just need to see them and try to see things from other ways as you are used to judge or watch or make or believe them ;D

just ask yourself this question: Why can`t it be the other way round ?

if you say "nah thats impossible we wud`ve heard of that," or "nah can`t be i cant imagine" than this are rly nice arguments which prove it can't be that way, i have to admit...;D
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Post by Mighty Midget »

Actually, that "Messiah" style of yours is in fact one of the more troubleing bits.

Beside: What on earth are you saying? Asthma being the same as cancer, sometimes...?!?! Ummm, right. Asthma is about the passage to your lungs decreasing in diametre, making it hell to breathe. It's not about abnormal cell growth. Please don't redefine "cancer" to mean "anything out of the "ordinary". Cancer is quite specific. So is asthma, and trust me: They are not the same. Asthma I've got; Cancer I ain't got. The definitions also stand above any "school of medicine". Sure "modern" medicine gave cancer it's name, but modern medicine did not invent it.

Now: You're not going to give any proof? David, that's the only chance you got if you want people to buy your stories.

Anyway: For christ's sake: Stop seeing yourself as "the Saviour". People have done that before, and my prevous post is even more valid. Just do as I say, will you? I'm not fuckin kiddin you. Give everything health related a good break, and do something completly unrelated for some time. Set up a poker ring in your garage or whatever, just let these things go for a few months.
Last edited by Mighty Midget on 29-11-2007 15:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

You totally get me wrong there. You need to understand the new medicine first, then discuss the subject and test/verify it. Thats what you need to do you get proof for yourself. I can tell lots of stories that proved it to me. But I don't care if you believe it or not. It's been one of the biggest discoveries in my life, and now I _know_ this is the real deal. I'm just hinting people to look at it.

"Cancer" actually doesn't exist. There are no bad cells that randomly grow or anything. Certain conflicts cause cells to grow or to be removed in certain organs, and every biological program has 2 phases (in case it gets solved). So depending on what organ it does cell-plus first and then cell-minus or the other way around.
If you got a conflict that results in the change in the Bronchial tubes, cells get removed. In the healing phase they are being built up again (will be swollen then for some time, where doctors think it's "cancer", but just need to wait. And in the middle of the healing phase you get the epileptic/epileptoid crisis. At this organ it's called asthma.

There is also Laryngeal-Asthma, but that's part of the epi-crisis in the larynx.

Yeah, I'm the saviour, obviously. Please? :D I'm seeing people have wrong assumptions of the world and hint them towards thinking for themselves and checking what's up. Bad me! People need to ask questions instead of having the tube and universities as their gospels. They lie like hell, because they know it works.
Last edited by DavidM on 29-11-2007 15:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

I know what you get wrong next. "Cancer does not exist".
I'm not saying it cant be dangerous. Understand the new medicine, and you will see what I mean. It's the most logical thing you will ever find.
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Post by siLVer »

3 simple rules to hae success and happiness all day long.

1) dont think you are right and want others to say youre right. accept them the way they are. every way they are.

2) dont think you are right and want others to say youre right. accept them the way they are. every way they are.

3) dont think you are right and want others to say youre right. accept them the way they are. every way they are.

@ all of u.

both sides of this argumentation think theyre sooo cleer and intelligent and that they understand the whole world, but as long as you arent able to use this 1 simple rule, youre both on the same level, you just have different oppinions.



ps: maybe you should think about it, why people like davidm and rico, or even davidm and me, suddenly like each other. some months ago, we didnt even talk a word to each other. but both, rico and david changed in their whole way of thinking that much, that i wanted to know the reason.

maybe you should spend several hours and listen to them too. just once, and without saying everything has to be bullshit. listen to it, maybe even try to proove the opposit if you want to, and then, judge about them.

or if you have learned at least a lil bit out of it, dont judge about them.

god im cool.
Last edited by siLVer on 29-11-2007 16:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BunnyS »

:offtopic: :rolleyes:

Why don't you all stfu ? and leave all the threads I open alone!

I don't' care about the free rice site but it's just a website link. Why must you pander me and everyone with your views ?

"I'm just sharing what I know"
Did it ever occur that some people know things as well ?
Did it ever occur that maybe someone else with a different point of view is worth listening to ? Only sensible thing that's been said so far is from silw just now. David you think you're right on everything you believe (that's great for you) but you judge people based on that. You're too arrogant to talk to people who have different opinions because you automatically deemed them "media brainwashed" or "arrogant" .or "stupid".. and they do the same and assume your "tinfoil man"

everyone in db circles has heard about this stuff now. If they care they have read about it. If not they never will. Leave it at that ?

It's a sensitive topic. Just remember that ok ? It's about life and death. Loved ones being ill and dying. Even if you think you're side is right and you're doing good... you might be deeply hurting the people that don't agree. Learn one word all of you

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Post by DavidM »

I've been at exactly the same position, so I know what it's like, and I _know_ where I had wrong assumptions and I have been lied to.
Especially when it's about life and death I like to make up people's minds, that they have been lied to.
I know this stuff is right and you can't have it both ways.
So I'm sure about what I'm saying, and these so called diseases are not what we have been told all our life. It's all different.

"Did it ever occur that maybe someone else with a different point of view is worth listening to ?"

Exactly, that's why everybody smashes me and calls me bizarre (without reasoning), because I don't share the majorities opinion.
Might be worth listening to?
I like to listen to all others too, but all I see here is pathetic.
"Let's make fun of it because David said it and let's do the opposite (especially look at Fro's rebellious comment)."
Awww c'mon. :P
I'd love unbiased discussions about all topics, but it's not happening here.
I'm not getting to hear any viewpoints except insults towards me.
So what was your point?
Nothing has been worth listening to so far yet.

I only talk about things where I know what I'm saying.
There are a hell lot of things that I have no idea about, and I'm not saying anything.
Maybe it insults someone's intellect if I know more about some things that are "common knowledge",
and people don't wanna realise they have been wrong all their life?
Nobody needs to listen, but people do listen obviously and feel someone insulted.
And I'm not taking that people with bad diseases (...) feel insulted.
It's like saying "it's an insult to the victims of 911 to say the government killed them".
The opposite is true.
The insult is even bigger, because they did it.
It's just a matter to hide the truth.
So the insult is to lie to people concerning their diseases (no matter if the doctor knows the truth or not).

I've started to think for myself and research these things on my own, so when I find a piece of the truth I spread it, and I will do so, because I've been called to do so and it's the right thing.

This all started because you thought the UN help the world for free, but I've learned better lately and gave you a hint. End of story.
It's more suppression than anything.
Trying not to hear the sad truth about these things.

Maybe a discussion instead of insults and accusations now?
Thank you so much.
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Post by BunnyS »

I haven't insulted you in all our discussions. I have questioned things to get answers to things I didn't understand but you did. It's not even about who is right or wrong, it's the approach. I know you mean well and always have but it's the attitude that makes it easier for people to say "ah rubbish you're a nut case".

Even in new medicine the fundamental rule and basis for it to work is not to pressure a 'patience' to do it. It encourages people to push away and rebel from it more. It isn't so easy for some people to let go of what they have always known, so certain approaches must be taken to deal with it and sensitivity it needed at all times. I'm not interested in arguing over what's right and wrong regarding cancer cause and treatment. My main point has always been about the manner things have been done.
I know more about the basis of New German Medicine then you think. I have already been looking at the connection from mind to body for a long time in connection to my own health.

I posted this link mostly out of the word 'quiz' rather then save the world. It just came as a added 'feel good bonus'.

I'm not saying what you believe is wrong and I respect you have your opinions. I just think you loose sight or other peoples rights to have their own opinions and choice to decide what they want to believe. If you believe it god ... I don't agree with you, but I would never keep telling them they are wrong or a stupid person for disagreeing.

You just can't force these things. So if someone comes to you and asks .. great, if you put yourself out there and offer the help .. great. But the people you could help .. have to want it. It's the main premise for GNM and some people involved in most the discussion's have missed this point. You can do more damage then good sometimes.
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Post by DavidM »

I agree that the approach sometimes is not the best.
Not as bad as it's being made look like tho.
I explain below how it evolves,
and why it's not planed _this_ way.

Last time you posted in the New Medicine thread you posted profoundly wrong things about it,
which showed me you had no idea about it yet.
I just gently explained it and was insulted like mad, and Silw too.

I never lose sight of other peoples opinions or views,
but when they are not being risen (except for the opinion that I suck), there is not much to do.

Yes, people need to want the help.
I'm kicking out one line to give a nudge.
So some come asking, being interested, others throw dirt at me,
accuse me of wrong things, I clear them up,
and there goes the drama,
because nobody but me seems to be interested in finding a consent.
It just seems about battling me,
and I'm in the middle of something,
where I never wanted to be.

I disagree. You can't do any damage with the New Medicine.
Explain to people what the relations are and they can check if its correct.
Everybody who did do this, found out its 100% correct.
Those who can't be arsed don't get any
damage nor any enlightment out of it.

It's also very hard to handle the knowledge sometimes.
People tell you about their so called disease or about someone else having what they call cancer.
You hear they are in hospital getting chemo poison.
You know what all this bullshit is,
you even can tell exactly what conflict they have and what the solution would be, but you can't get through.
People believe what the doctor has said, and the doctor says what he has been told by his teacher,
who tells what he has been told....all refering to...follow the nothing.
But you can't get through...because the doctor has said...!
I've learned to handle it and not worry about it so much anymore.
But I also found out a lot about dying,
reincarnation, souls and all the spiritual stuff...which makes the whole deal on earth a bit of a joke anyway,
because it doesn't matter.
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Post by BunnyS »


I only reacted the way I did when time and time again people weren't respecting my wishes, then and only then did I start to be insulting. Due to people insulting me and calling me a 'stupid dog' and similar.

Anyway like I said I don't' care about this discussion any more because it went as far as it ever would with us. I'm just asking you to keep it to places were people want to listen. I have asked before but you still do it lol. I'm done now so argue amongst yourselves in private. I could explain myself 100% over this whole thing and you'd see why I have said and done some things, the point is I don't have to prove myself to anyone so I won't :)

I'm much happier away from the channel and not being reminded of this topic daily.
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Post by fro »

DavidM wrote: (especially look at Fro's rebellious comment).


funny that you choose that, however, im still waiting.

I think you raise some good points, and I want to believe (IMG-XFILES) but Id like to see some references please son.


e: actually, what in mo's teddybear am i actually rebelling against? you? gnm? the mafia? either way, surely thats an opinion and not a rebellion? :D
Last edited by fro on 30-11-2007 20:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BunnyS »

fro I read these pages. It's hard to find some of the resources David has because alot is in German naturally :

That covers most the basics and explains the five 'law's' it's based on. Then decide what you want. I read it took what I wanted from it. I didn't want to discuss it with anyone. I asked the questions I wanted posing as devils advocate just to see what the responses were. Just be careful when discussing it, people who already 100% trust it etc will assume you are rubbishing the views if you asking something like "where is the proof for this" etc
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Post by fro »

cheers; thats a start, although the more information i can find, the happier id be. I can read german just fine, so ill take whatever is available

and i catch your drift re the discussion elements, i'll bear that one in mind ;)