Daniel here, Im searching a Clan as you probably now .. T.T
Im 14 years old and played DB in exactly 2 years now.
Im currently standing in goalkeeper position but I can also be aggressive.
IRL Im a friendly and a sencetive person, not a geek
Hope on some interest clans!
Searching a Clan
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One
Timoses wrote: What do you need a clan for?
It isn't that there are so many people left
playing DB anyways. So if you just play
Deathball that's enough and maybe you
slight into a clan. Who knows.
Are you European or American?
If Euro we might see on #deathball .
Well, have fun.
Ohh, sorry for the little information ^^
Im european, from Norway. And I searching a clan cause Im tired too play vs bots but also too get better too play deathball, and also have fun of course.
, I didnt understood that part,So if you just play
Deathball that's enough and maybe you
slight into a clan.
But if I understood you right, Im currently playing only deathball.
Hi dacanis!
Join the chat to play organized pickup matches.
Download pickupIRC
Unzip it and run the .exe
It will automatically join our server and channel (irc.quakenet.org #deathball)
Join the chat to play organized pickup matches.
Download pickupIRC
Unzip it and run the .exe
It will automatically join our server and channel (irc.quakenet.org #deathball)