RaGe*NL* wrote:
1234 servers are great for pubs, since there are newbies to ^^ so i have my own kind there \o\
i find it the opposite.. everytime ive been on a 1234 server recently theres always been top clan members there, normally slagging off n00bs, and generally being lame.. best public server ive found over the last 2-3 weeks is by far 3dgrr one.. esp about 10:30-midnight gmt always a nice game or 2 around those times..
btw, this isnt a moan at the 1234 servers, they are very nice servers ping wise n performance to play on.. just seem to attract the lame players
My opinion may be a little biased, but I think the standard of play on the 1234 pub server is pretty good. Most evenings you can get some decent games.
And as for this tennis malarky lots of fun, and very little resources (4 players = 5% cpu, and very little bandwidth).