3DG|BP is looking for skilled Members

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3DG|BP is looking for skilled Members

Post by [GR]Kermit »

After 4 members left the clan in the last 3 weeks 3DG|BP is looking 4 new skilled Members with the niveau of Division 2.
We need players on each postions, so just visit #3dg @ quakenet and qry [3dg]kr4ng or [3dg]kermit.

You don't have to speak german^^

So common and bring BP in div1
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Bloodpack is nothing w/o lukas ;)
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

ähm lol?
lukas aka breaker is a cowardly screaming kid
but we have onw lukas left and we will kick zbn in their fucking asses^^
sry 4 the hard words but that's my opinion
Last edited by [GR]Kermit on 29-07-2003 22:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GraGoyle|ZBN »

WTF??? stfu Kermit you ghey prick!
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

Shall i be scared
okay that with zbn wasn't nice but ^^ = sign of ironic
and do you have something against gay people?
i just said something about breaker and u call me a gay prick.
but i think with exemptions that's the niveau of zbn
But who cares!
GraGoyle u don't know the background of the leaving of breaker. He is a coward.
After the leaving of breaker all seems to be clear.
I have my opinion so fav vancudo
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Post by BlackFlame »

all i know is that breker owns, and we wub him, he stays with us
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

okay breaker owns, but he is a coward
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

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Post by Hugi »

dont talk about break...lets talk about new bp members
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

U mean there's new bp members yet? :p

ps: breaker rox, and afaik he left coz he wasnt happy with how some ppl in the clan treated him, and maybe even how 3dg treat 3dg|bp as a whole :o

just an outsider tho :p

ps2: i wub breakey :D
Last edited by MeSSiaH{FCU} on 30-07-2003 17:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GraGoyle|ZBN »

Firstly mr. frog, you didnt JUST say something about breaker, you also mentioned kicking our (zbn) "fucking asses" if I'm correct!!!

You didnt need to say anything harsh towards zbn, simply because you dont know any of us. But you did, so thats why i called you a ghey prick. And no, I have nothing against gay ppl, especially since I know many gay ppl. 'Ghey prick' is just a saying, it is used when ppl p*ss you off.. i.e. YOU!

So grow up and start recruiting! Tho not sure how popular your clan will be now, after your outburst :rolleyes:
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

About Breaker.
He left BP on a way which was in my opinion very cowardly.
And if u say
'Ghey prick' is just a saying

I just can answer:
fucking asses is just a saying
and i apologised for it
Also i just said it because breaker is now a ZBN member

common i know breaker planed to quit bp a long time and he was just scared to say it to kr4ng in his face.
So he is a coward but he is still quite nice.

ps: breaker rox, and afaik he left coz he wasnt happy with how some ppl in the clan treated him, and maybe even how 3dg treat 3dg|bp as a whole :o

That's wrong.
u don't know BP is independent.
he just could talk about it with us and we could leave 3dg again, but he hadn't problems with the others of bp.
But he was too cowardly to talk with us.

b²t: We have allready two new players but i think we won't be so strong like before.
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Post by Kr4ng »

hmm I cant understand why you ZBN guys are so agressiv and gloating against us! We (bp), espacially me have nothing to do with Breakers Got out. So pls spam in your own thread! thx
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Post by GraGoyle|ZBN »

Kr4ng, How am i gloating about breaker? :confused:

And also, Iam not spamming, I would never had said anything if your green friend didnt slag off the ZBN clan.

Also, i find it quiute odd really, that just the other day you asked to join ZBN? of which you had a trial on thursday (tomorrow). So i take it you are staying with BP now? Thanks for letting us know! :/
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

I didn't said something against ZBN maybe it sound like that
I just wanna have a revenge with breaker so i said i want to kick ZBN in their asses.
u understand what i mean?
I set breaker = ZBN
So I don't wanna kick ZBN in their "fucking asses" i wanna kick breaker in his ass. Hopefully in his balls too </joke>

@kr4ng: toll das zu wissen