Level Delta

Hints and questions about specific levels. Be careful not to post spoilers!

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Post by aenur85 »

After five years of doing Notpron on my own, I give up :confused: ...

...and come finally to this forum. I'm not givin' up on Notpron, though (addicted ;) ).

I've been stuck on Delta for....TOO LONG !!!!!! :eek:

I know hints can't be posted here, so I'm asking if anyone wants to work with me, or help me in any way. If you do, please pm me !!!

This is my first post, so forgive me if it isn't formatted right or is quite naive.

Thanks in advance! :p
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Post by aenur85 »

Found something, finally. It's just...I don't really know what to do with it :rolleyes:

I'll go on, trying to sort this out.
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Post by aenur85 »

DONE !!!!! \o/

After all, I could solve it by myself!

Thanks for the support, anyways! :p
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Post by Caym »

I love to suffer :D this one is... cryptic... nothing (or nearly nothing) to work on... for now... first time I can't see where to begin with...
I suppose I think "wrong"... time to think in another way! :rolleyes:
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Post by Caym »


more than 2 days and not a single little step in the good direction... first time it happen... I don't even know where to begin :eek:
The only things I found?... dead ends... or nothing... as you wish :D
Well... think I must get back to dig in this delta thing...:rolleyes:
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Post by Tuen »

Herg? This one's probably got the least direction, as I've been able to detect, so far >.>

Though -34 might actually win that prize.

Anyways, time to keep chugging. I'm excited for having gotten so far! (not without a nudge or two, hehe :-P) Its just past my 2 year notpr0n anniversary too!



this level is more fair than I gave it credit for, done, but with nudge action. It does good to reset one's thoughts back to start to get ahead.

Anyways, onwards and upwards!
Last edited by Tuen on 13-10-2008 10:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrrubix101 »

Hey guys,

I beat Notpron back in 2005, but now I am going through it again for fun, and it seems that I've hit a major roadblock again.

I remember a large portion of this riddle, but nothing I try seems to work. Is this riddle a two-screener, because I "have yet to be asked" to use the 1937 number in the source?

Anyways, I remember what this riddle generally refers to, but I still need some hint help. Anyone that could PM me with a hint or two would be most appreciated! Thank you.
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Post by frkyjenn »

you can pm me.. tell me what you have so far and I'll see what I can do to help you
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Post by mrrubix101 »

Sent PM -- no idea if it went through though.
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Post by frkyjenn »

you can check if it went through by going to your sent file or your message tracking file

yes, I did get it and I've responded.
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Post by RedLion »

Hi there,
my riddling senpai and I are trying to follow a clue, appearing very tasteful and witty, but we're facing a really really huge problem.
Our 'track' concernes a 'message' dated **/**/2007... and since level delta was opened in 2005, we think that could not be the right choice.
Can anyone clarify our doubt about this 'timing issue'... perhaps david edited this level + or - 2 years later...
regards :D
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Post by frkyjenn »

Umm.. huh?

message me and tell me what you are talking about
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Post by RedLion »

ok... probably i can say the first riddle after a long long series of them which really reached to make me suffer... (and i'm so modest.. :P)
Here for the first time i also regret to not being a mother-language of english.. that damned title is probably hiding some meaning that i can't get... i'm thinking of every clue those words could mean but...
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Post by Cowley »

<hints removed as they are not allowed>.

Take hints and help to PMs please. :)
Last edited by Cowley on 05-12-2008 00:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Anton_96 »

Would love to delete the '<!-- -->'s in there.
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