UT2004 -- Onslaught/Deathball

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UT2004 -- Onslaught/Deathball

Post by Fallen »

No, its not about the gametype itself in the new addition of UT2004. I would like to point out that the maps in that gametype are suppose to be huge. Given that fact, that if Deathball is converted to UT2004, we could see a big increase of map size. I know its possible right now, but to think about it, having 20 people on a Big Cube would be awesome. I know it would be more like football (soccer), but I'd like to see the mod stretch the limits of the unreal engine. I still see alot of promise in the mod to come.

Some will say, theres nothing to add anymore, its almost perfect, just fine-tune the ascepts. Previously I agreed, but now with the new game coming out in the end of the year, I can't be more excited. :rolleyes:

By the way David, any ETA when your team is going to look into the server crashes problem, or will you always tell us, let epic fix it.

Fallen aka Bullet (V3 Mid/Defender) *note -- luck charm too :D*
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Post by DavidM »

go play db-biglowcube if you really like 10on10's.......
everybody agreed that it was ghey...
and you have NO CLUE how big the maps in ut2k3 CAN BE

they wont increase the limit in 2k4, cause its so insanely large, there is no need for this space.
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Post by Fallen »

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Post by Fallen »

who is everyone eh? Euros? I don't think much NA guys tried it so please don't include us.
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Post by DavidM »

well, was posted on db.net some months ago
news is still there, but deleted the zip
nevermind, 5on5 is best as it gets
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Post by Fallen »

i do like 6 on 6 on which ever euro server, tho its little frustrating, its still good.
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Post by Fallen »

plus you have to relized, not everyone is glued to the website, ffs, you think some of the people care about the bugs and watever that goes on with the mod. they just play it and hang out on irc for the jist of it.
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Post by Axl »

We had a LAN here, and TEZC-Rage made a DB map for 32 players :) bigger goals, keeper zones etc. ended up playing 10v10 11v11 or summit like that and it was superb fun.. :) only bad thing about it was he gave the floor a metal sound, so the whole hall you could hear 20 people or so running on the metal floor it was very loud :D
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Post by DavidM »

ya, there is a difference between some lan-fun and serious fun....
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Post by Fallen »

define them please, i would love to read and laugh at the difference

*gah, i got nothing better to do than wait for meh ride, just posting mindless bullshit*
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Post by Diab »

yeah more then 6v6 gets too busy on maps, i never tried more then that though. im sure its fun after a few lagers and your slightly out of it :D
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Post by Cyph »

Fallen wrote: define them please, i would love to read and laugh at the difference

It's true, man, playing something with friends can be fun, but on your own it can suck. Try getting drunk on your own.
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Post by theberkin8or »

the problem with 10 v 10 or something like that is the amount of organization that it would require... while if lag issues would permit it, I think it would be fun, i think that setting it as the standerd would be bad.... ooo god and think about the pbox camping that would be possible and the boosts....wow that would be bad
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Post by NaB »

DavidM wrote: serious fun....

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Post by Harold|ZBN »

hmm well its been said a couple times before already :p and davidm dont wanna repeat 2 much i think :p
so ill just clear it up ;)

10v10 on internet sucks its laggy shitty and the server crashes a lot. this wont change anything with ut2004 coz the onslaught gametype could just as easily be a ut2003 mod, ut2004 isnt gonna magicly allow 10v10 deatball matches im afraid