You are not supposed to believe anyone. Religion isn't good for you when it's that important.
Popular mechanics is just a desperate attempt by the government to safe their fairytale IMO.
They're making things sound very complicated, so people think "oh, too complicated for me, they are too smart" and back off and just believe them, because of them seeming to be so smart.
While everybody can see right away, that a building cannot collapse like this, this can only happen in a controled demolition.
And everybody can tell, if a plane flew into a tower, the wings would fold away, not like in these fabricated clips we've been shown. (watch how the tower wall is still clean, when the plane is already inside of it)
And everybody can tell that in shanksville they just dug a hole, and there has never ever been a plane anywhere close.
And everybody can tell that the guy who admits to have done 911 isn't bin laden, but someone who was disguised as bin laden.
Left: admits to have done it
And many more obvious inaccuracies. No popular mechanic smart ass can talk all these things straight.
(yes, off topic, we can split the thread...)