An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB

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An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB

Post by uberslacker »

Well, earlier today, NS and RusH had a scrim and lets just say after the game members of both sides were unhappy with how much boost goals were being used (and their effectiveness). Now I have never liked these types of goals, but I have to admit I scored a few of these types of goals in my day because, hey, it works, and its way easier to score like this than a regular shot.

Anyway it got me thinking, what would be a way to eliminate boost goals? An idea I came up with would be to make it so when boosted, you could not volley, thus eliminating boost-volley goals (which are basically impossible to stop) but also making it so you couldn't shoot the ball for something like 3 seconds, eliminating boost goals which are caught high in the air and either shot coming down or shot when landed. How to do this? I thought a good way of doing this would be to make it so after a player is above a certain height in the air (about as high as a normal player could do all four jumps) put these into effect. Now I can't code and don't know how this could be done, but hey, its just an idea eh?

Anyway this is just a thread to either support this idea or get people thinking about better ways to do this. Either way, I think DB would be a lot better and funner to play with boost goals eliminated.
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Post by KillerRebel »

agreed :p
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Post by Blitz »

people should stop bitching about it and learn to defend it. Boost goals were already nerfed. And it is fairly easy to defend aswell. I am not going go into all the details, but its not that hard to figure it out. Heres a hint..... MAN TO MAN D. Thats all you get for now n00bs.
Last edited by Blitz on 14-08-2003 00:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by YoYo789 »


oh noes! my cannon has altitude sickness?
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Post by Crazn »

blitz you couldnt stop a boost goal for your life ya wanker :P
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Post by theberkin8or »

but doesn't it suck to have to be forced into a defensive style to defend something that should never have been a big part of the game to begin with though man to man does prevent pbox camping which good (there are other things which would allow for more options)

some ppl see things to prevent things like boost goals as limiting the game play. I see it as the complete oppisite if a move is too effective that limits game play more than removing the whored move... i think this should be the test of weither or not a move should be got rid of

in that train of thought i don't think dribbling would fall into this catigory becuase though it could be whored it was just other way to move down the field and you didn't have to change your complete defensive style to defend it, plus if you had good defenders it was damn easy to stop;)
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Post by gnomeh »

ive stopped boost goals before, and not just on pure luck....
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Post by uberslacker »

gnomeh, you ever play a game where most of the shots on goal were boost goals and you didn't have 1 go in?

this is what i'm talking about, you can have a shutout when defending regular shots and maybe even vollies, but with boost goals, hello 10+ goals per game
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Post by YoYo789 »

there's nothing wrong with 10+ goals per game. (obviously if they are all a lame move then that's bad)
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Post by Surge »

or we could just bring back set jumping and stop fucking with the game.

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Post by uberslacker »

YoYo789 wrote: there's nothing wrong with 10+ goals per game. (obviously if they are all a lame move then that's bad)
um... duh?

and surge, set jumping is gay
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Post by YoYo789 »

uberslacker wrote: gnomeh, you ever play a game where most of the shots on goal were boost goals and you didn't have 1 go in?

this is what i'm talking about, you can have a shutout when defending regular shots and maybe even vollies, but with boost goals, hello 10+ goals per game

YoYo789 wrote: there's nothing wrong with 10+ goals per game. (obviously if they are all a lame move then that's bad)

Um, you said 10+ goals is bad, I say it is good, where is the duh?
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Post by uberslacker »

there's nothing wrong with 10+ goals per game.

obviously if they are all a lame move then that's bad
aaand duh

there's your duh(s), sorry i had to spell it out for ya :/
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Post by YoYo789 »

so what is wrong with 10+ goals per game?
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Post by Surge »

i think hes saying that if your able to shut out a team that doesnt use that move but get inot high goal ammounts (10+) to one who does, somethings wrong...
