i didnt want to read through all 15 pages...but...surge you said v3 killed clans and got players like cordawg etc...v3 didnt kill wk n00b...get yo facts right bizatch.
fucking DeeZ nutz. it was either out with mates, or stay online with a power supply that cut out every 10 minutes because it couldnt handle geforce 2 and play DeeZ in a dbl match. like our 3rd ever match as AC||M, and i get dicked 34-2 or something. and we find out it was a bunch of laming clan whoring 'pros' in a nub league. great times.
Holy hell, so surprised to find this forum still alive. Reflecting back on 2003 me was rough. Nobody can ever topple V3 and Deez though! Wish I could play a few more games as keeper... GGs guys. Hope anyone catching this has a pleasant rest of their life!