What is more important to you in a map?

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What is most important to you in a map?

Both must be perfect
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What is more important to you in a map?

Post by YoYo789 »

What aspect of a map makes you enjoy playing it?

Personally, I want the gameplay to be perfect but on looks I am willing to compromise. Hey, I played ut1 so if it looks as good as the better ut1 maps then I'll play it.

In fact, I often prefer the lesser looking maps, as they reduce clutter in the vision and have clearly defined playing areas, borders etc.
Last edited by YoYo789 on 15-08-2003 22:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rens2Sea »

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Post by YoYo789 »

lol, i accidentally deleted it all and had to edit it back in :p
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Post by GazMaN »

this is db :/

if u want pretty lookin scenarios go play et/ctf/cs

strnge that all football pitches are exactly the same, its their to server a purpose, not look pretty
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Post by Sequa »

Originally posted by GazMaN
if u want pretty lookin scenarios go play et/ctf/cs

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Post by DavidM »

he sure wants A to win, to pwn me with that ownage pack thing

when you are in it, gameplay is all...yeah...
but to become successfull a game needs looks, just to not look crap on pics

looks get you playing, gameplay keeps you playing
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Post by theberkin8or »

it put A but i actually have to agree with davidm to some degree though db is sorta a different animal than most gametypes. If a map looks like total crap chances are you won't play it that much just becuase you don't like looking @ it. but maps like the older versons of cube and such were fine even though they were great looking becuase they weren't so bad as to make you think you were playing doom one :p
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Post by Savwa »

Maps should be designed as in real life. Each Team has a Home Field and unique playing surface. I think a set of guidelines and mandatory features should be followed.

Each clan should have a field designed as their home field with clan logos and a unique playing field and backgrounds.

In Match play, teams would play home and away games, team colors would be set according to popular opinion and followed as determined. ie: blue = home and every home team is blue, red = visitor and every visiting team is red.

Every team is going to play the other teams in the division the same number of times so fairness is not in question as each team will play equally at the others field. Following the map guidelines, anyone should be able to design a map. tutorials are available at http://www.3dbuzz.com providing video tuts in multiple languages.

I dont like to play Legofan because the colors make it difficult to see everything.

I dont like to play Greenbaize because its soccer on a pool table with obstructions. I just don't like it that much. Oh, I don't think I have ever been part of a serious game in this map, and most people leave when this map gets announced.

November is a challenging map that has a real life feel.
Gym has real life feel.
Cube has the feel. (and its variations)
SpaceBallsII has some good qualities.
*there are many other maps that qualify as playable and can provide a venue that caters to our competitive nature and will to play hard for the team. To win the game.

You want more players, then this game needs to be competitive, fun, unpredictable, and challenging. I remember UT, having to wait for spots on servers. Not due to lack of servers, but because the competition and quality the players gamed at. Game servers were packed 24/7 and rarely would you have a blow out or all around bad match that's not just a hiccup chemistry kind of thing.

Its early or late depending on which side of the sun your on. This post has poor structure but will have to do for now.
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Post by vF_Zonk »

no1 wants to admit it (or maybe they don't even know it), but they often do put looks ahead of gameplay

PS: I would vote for option D.....originality
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Post by DavidM »

savwa...ya sounds funny, also sounds funny that every clan should have their own skin
but do I want to download 100 skinpacks and 100 maps? do all people have the bandwidth and diskspace to be bothered?

but in the league we DO offer it...
make a map, if it PLAYS well we'll add it to the official league maps
offering it for over a half year now and nobody asked yet... :|

but every clan having a home map would be hell
probably all with totally different gameplay, ....you would be training the other maps all day long...
mastering cube and november should be enough gameplay wise
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Post by Mayer.hun »

I did, asked it... a long time ago, but U said, do this do that, that sucks, this sucks... Althought everyone else liked the map as it was :PPP Anyway, it doesnt matter now... althought your oppinion made me not to map for a few weeks, but now I am back at work, so I hope my next map, will be better, than those from last time :P

Anyway: The every clan has an Own map is in my mind since a long time... but I think an Own map, should only be for parctising, and for matches when enemy team agrees... not to force them playing that map they don't have...

Speeking of Maps...

I think a Map should have a a good Gameplay... if it is like cube.. then OK, that gameplay is really good... but the Atmosphere... now that is also something that a map must have! And this aint just Good Looooking 100000000s of Poligons... sounds... in a stadium... Crowds screem, shout, SING FFS! In Cube... teh Sounds of the crowd (iI dunno wehter they are szill in it) but that singig, you can hear beyond the annoying screeming.. well, those songs from Fossa Dei Leoni, are from my map, that had teh atmosphere of a real crowd... although the gameplay wasnt as good as Cubes... So if U make a map, think of atmosphere...
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Post by Armagon »

I'll admit that I like a map to look decent when I'm playing it, but when it is done to the extent that it kills the framerate, I'd rather the map with better gameplay.
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Post by DavidM »

good looks != bad framerate
this is totally unrelated
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Post by Armagon »

Totally unrelated?


Seriously, even on minimum detail I can't look at the sky without my framerate dropping to 15. It's just a miniture clone of Cube. This is why a lot of people preferred your old smallcube, it wasn't a framerate killer. That's the reason I included it in the pack.
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Post by Mayer.hun »

Teh SC in teh way it is today sucks :P sry to say, but Ye Old SC was really good... I loved it, but the new one :P

Well... not all good looking maps have a Framerate Dropper :PPPP Just to say, You don't need millions of Poligons to create something beauty :P Although wid many poligons yo can make even better looking stuff... but I don't think that is a MUST.