Major changes to notpron and its ending

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Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by Jay2k1 »

Hey notpronners,

today, notpron fundamentally changed. Here's what's new:

No more tax accounts
From Oct 23rd 2020, paid tax accounts are no longer required. Instead, players can now use their forum account to access -34 and onwards. Existing tax accounts will of course continue to work.

No more level nu
From Oct 29th 2020, level nu (the final level) is no longer part of notpron.

No more certificates
From Oct 29th 2020, players that finish notpron will no longer be able to request a certificate. The reasoning behind this is:
  • it would be unfair for players who have solved notpron including nu, because it is now significantly easier to finish
  • the notpron team has invested a lot of time and effort to try and make sure that cheaters cannot get to the end and thus cannot get a certificate. Part of the anti-cheater barrier was the requirement for paid accounts, which is no longer the case, so it would be easier for cheaters to get to the end, which would take away value from the certificates.
  • Notpron still does not like cheaters, and without a certificate, there is no longer an incentive to cheat. Honest players who enjoy the game will still try to solve all levels, and cheaters will lose their motivation and likely quit.
So, why all these changes?
Well, it was time for a change. All these measures meant continuous work for DavidM and the notpron team, and after over 16 years, lives have changed and priorities have shifted. This moment was inevitable, and now it has come.

Final words
I want to give out a few big thank yous to some people for their work and dedication:
  • amh for all his work on forum moderation, player support, nu access and input/feedback
  • Catz and weaver for their big contribution of new level solutions, their input/feedback, work on nu access and their moderation of the Notpron Discord
  • Wolfi for making the nu target submission system (twice)
  • Everyone who helped notpron in any way, be it reporting bugs, helping other players, reporting spam, helping moderate IRC and Discord and so on
- Jay
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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by weaver »

we have had a blast <3
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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by IICatzII »

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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by MoltenLavaCore »

It's been a wild ride. I hope to one day reach the new final level!
To new beginnings!
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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by amh »

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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by justwannadonu »

<3, thanks everybody for the fun I had (and yes, I did nu)
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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by JeremySwiff »

Has seriously been some of the most fun I've had in quite some time. I'm not crying, you're crying! <3
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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by sophistic4t3d »

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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by illum »

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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by brum »

:) buy supraland (for real, it's good)
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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by aliciapom »

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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by hAcky »

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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by frkygeoff »

Thank you so much David for your time with Notpron! And I'm glad you held it out this long, because without Notpron the way it was back in March of 2020, I wouldn't have tried this riddle at all, which has brought me so much joy, taught me a new and creative way of thinking and approaching life, and led me to meet so many amazing friends from around the world! I'm also super glad I got to try out Nu at all :,)

Thanks to everyone else who's involved on the Notpron team as well!

Long live Notpron! <3
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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by muliro »

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Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

Post by Kristoforos »

I tried. I failed. I'm not sad thou, I gave a decent try after all. I was close. Wasn't close enough.
I would like to thank whole community on discord and IRC. You're all truly wonderful. God bless you friends.
I also would like to thank all the riddle makers - you gave me a hard time, but it was time that I will look back at with a smile.
Some special shout-out goes to:
- Jay2k for keeping the game alive. Not all heroes wear capes, but you definitely deserve one!
- amh for being the best wingman for a lot of players. You made a lot of people happy and was always genuinely keeping your fingers crossed for each of them. Also respect for keeping watch on the forum. The last one to do so.
- Rei Arthuro - For being my friend, and most importantly - a teacher. You thaught me how this game works, thought me what I like to call "A golden rule of NotPron". That knowladge was useful for me throughout my whole run. All the conversations that we had, and the jokes that we made, won't be forgotten by me. Thank you, I will always have a special place in my heart for you <3
- GoomyLover - for always believing in me and always being at my side. Whenever I was jumping in my chair out of joy, or I have been frustrated by my own inability to solve riddles - you was there. Not for a second you doubted in my ability to finish the game. You're my friend. My brother. Now and always. We will meet one day.
- The Big DaveM himself - for the making a game that kept me going like nothing else. And not only me - the whole playerbase. You've brought happienes for so many people. This game was the experience that I won't ever forget. Truly, a diamond. An evergreen. You're its creator after all. Even if I disliked your decision - you deserve a rest like nobody else.
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