The USB Stick Found in the Grass

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The USB Stick Found in the Grass

Post by Robaquez »

Hi All!

This is only tangential to Notpron, but I suppose at least some of you can find it interesting. amh was so nice he agreed to let me post about a game I plan to publish in January 2021 - The USB Stick Found in the Grass. It is combination of a literary work and a forensic puzzle - you are given a virtual representation of a physical USB stick found at a scene of a possible crime, and your job is to find out what might have happened to its owner, using your own computer and any software you have/can find on the internet.

You will need some computer skills, some knowledge about computer forensics (but nothing that can't be quickly learned/googled) and some deduction. In some ways it is similar to Notpron, everything goes, it is mostly about player skills and you are in no way limited in methods used. But there is an important difference - people sometimes complain Notpron is just a combination of random challenges and riddles, without any narration. TUSFitG is actually built around a no-nonsense story, so it is not so dry.

As of today all you can do is to add TUSFitG to your Steam wishlist. In the future I might have some free codes for those interested in trying.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me here, through FB or on Discord (follow the signature link for details).
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Re: The USB Stick Found in the Grass

Post by amh »

It certainly would be nice if there were a trial period, idk, 10 or so levels before you have to pay, so players can get a feel for the riddle. :)
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Re: The USB Stick Found in the Grass

Post by Robaquez »

Unfortunately by design you either have access to everything or not. There are no levels.

Technically I could split the story, but I am not convinced it makes sense. To give some taste of what the whole thing looks like it would probably require making a separate, simpler version - but that would be a completely different product.

Not that I have not considered making some kind of a free demo, I just don't have a good idea of what is should look like. And explaining "why" means spoilers ;)
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Re: The USB Stick Found in the Grass

Post by amh »

Ah OK. Fair enough!
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Re: The USB Stick Found in the Grass

Post by Robaquez »

Just to let you all know: game was launched today according to the plan. So, if it looked interesting, you can try it now by yourself :)