Looking for riddles?

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Looking for riddles?

Post by Felicia »

My name's Felicia and I've been working on Notpron on/off since it was released.
It's got a very special place in my heart due to all the joy it's given me.

Three years ago I started sketching on a riddle of my own and I'm finally making some headway.

I'm not looking to dethrone Notpron (as if that's possible), it's something I created to have something to do in my spare time. It's sort of an.... homage to Notpron.

I don't have many friends and I would love for someone to try the existing levels (it's not "released" yet) and maybe provide me with some short feedback so that I know in which direction to take it.

There's currently 9 levels (the 2 first are "tutorials" so I guess it's really only 7).

If anyone would be willing to give them a try I'd be very happy and grateful.

If so: Send me a PM

Thank you for reading. <3

Edit: Removed my email adress from the post.
Edit 2: It's semi-open now. https://www.feliciasriddle.com
Edit 3: It's officially "open". 15 levels at the moment and more coming as I put them together. Again: thank you all so much <3
Last edited by Felicia on 03-08-2020 23:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for riddles?

Post by Felicia »

I'm quite overwhelmed by all the nice PM's I've received! I'm very grateful for all your valuable input!
Thank you so much.
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Re: Looking for riddles?

Post by amh »

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Re: Looking for riddles?

Post by throwaway »

Level 3 scared the hell out of me
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Re: Looking for riddles?

Post by prasedenica »

thank you
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