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Shake or no shake?

Total votes: 53

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Post by Armagon »

I'm da man. :p
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Post by Inphidel »

Alars wrote: however, i do agree with your last post.

i propose that defense is one-hit-kill in its own pbox as well.

think about it.... where is the downside?... if a player supporting the carrier comes up to the enemy pbox, the supporting guy can either sit there and wait for a pass - or clear the defense out for the carrier (however, he is vulnerable to be splattered himself whilst doing this). If the defense is out-numbered - thats the defending teams fault. This will prevent pbox camping to some extent... and of course the keeper is not affected.... any thoughts?

only constructive critisism please


more american football like stradigys might happen. like carried surrounded with blockers ;P
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Post by Inphidel »

Ok, I read all the posts on this thread..

I'm personally a fan of shake. I play both offense and defense.

I beleive if shake was removed defense would have no choice but to bring its whole team into the box and camp. there is little point to playing man to man other then to hope for an interception. but with the entire team in the box camping your gonna get the ball anyway then boost up your O for a break away.

offensivly speaking, I like shake because it means you need more stradigy to your attack. passing it back and around the zone.. I've seen plenty of tactics to still score. they just require team work and less of this selfish style of deathball.

yes, i'm an american fag too.
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Post by theberkin8or »

stu.... um it takes 1.2 seconds to get a decent shot off... i don't know if you realize this but u have to to be VERY damn open to have 1.2 seconds to get off a shot without being challeged.

think about it the d has a funal into which the O MUST come in order to have a chance there for if they just stay in the narrow point in that funal the O HAS to come to them, with boost making sure this narrow point is full is really easy. therefore being open is not result of good team play (unless the d is really stupid or you do some crazy boost move) but result of a huge mistake by the D.

ooo and with the sound being removed it wouldn't be random hiting... you just have to learn to read the O... most O players have a way they move b4 they shoot and have certain possitions they are more likly to shoot from (the edge of the box being one)... D would just have to learn how to play smarter.... like D does in real sports like soccer.. you don't have some sound telling you when someone is going to shoot you have to atticapate and mark them tight so that they don't have enough time/space to get off a shot.

actually probably the best idea is one that was brough up a long time ago... a smaller radius sound but only in the second half of the charge (or so probably something around .9 seconds would about right) this would emulate real life sports very accuratly as you do have some idea when a person is about to shoot but only a slipt second b4 they shoot (as opposed to the unlikely unrealistic and unfair 1.2 seconds). but davidm seem to think that ppl would think this is a bug.... good arguement man...:x maybe you should just tell ppl that it is part of the game sorta like the fact that you can't volley for one second ;) and then you don't have problem *feels so smart now* :)
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Post by Xelent »

Stulovesyou wrote: Shooting inside the box... You better be DAMN open.
We here in Aus play with sprint on. MUCH faster game. For someone to get a shot off from within the box requires a skill level you cannot contemplate.
You get the most brief period of time to catch aim shoot. You score - you deserve it - let all the cheerleaders blow you. You da man.

Stu you spend more time writing bullshit stories in your post than you do actually putting down useful content. I cant IMAGINE the level of skill it takes to score a goal. I mean, I suck so bad at offense I should just quit because I cant score. :) And Stu, if your arguing with me and you havent played anything before 1.4, im just going to put you on ignore for being so ignorant. Seems like all the aussies that post on here love to flame, but at least they arent closed minded and are willing to talk while you just post a half page of steaming shit.
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Post by Xelent »

And for all you people that are saying that man to man defense does not work, thats a pile of crap too. V3 has been playing man to man on and off, depending on the opponent and their strategy, and it has worked wonderfully. If your playing man to man and they are blowing shots on you, then your not playing it the right way.
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Post by The_One »

Xelent wrote: And Stu, if your arguing with me and you havent played anything before 1.4, im just going to put you on ignore for being so ignorant.

i think i'll put anyone on ignore who hasn't played before 1.0, damn n00bs. :/

p.s. i play man-to-man d, pbox camping gets dull fast.
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Post by YoYo789 »

I played before 1.4, I definitely think that shake should stay (I'm an attacker). Without shake, we would see the 1.3 tactics of running straight at the p-box with a guaranteed 1.2 second window for a shot (the reload time of a defender's hammer) unless the defenders mark up 2 to 1 or p-box camp.
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Post by [V3]David »

D is too easy kthx o is too easy kthx then leave tha fucking game master shit face kthx whos NEXT!!!! fucking gods kthx em kthx whos NEXT!!!!
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Post by The_One »

without shake pbox camping would increase, if that's possible.
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Post by [V3]David »

bring back dribble and add a fight system like hockey so i can beat tha shit out of david shit for dicks m in game kthx whos NEXT!!!
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Post by Surge »

Umm... without shake, you'd have to play defense because you wouldnt be able to rely on 1 hammer shot to send an arrent shot flying off randomly.

No shake forces the D to play more aggressivly and kill you before you reach the box putting more of the entire playing field into play opposed to the 2 pboxes which is how DB plays currently.

No shake would also make ball movement all the much more important because the defenders would have to find tactics to intercept the ball or kill the attacker before he even gets close enough to score.

To be quite honest i cant even remember the last time i'v died while holding the ball outside of the pbox other than the occasional gang-bang or when i was being a jerk and ball-hogging to see how far i could get up field.

Unfortunetally thats how you SHOULD lose the ball. It makes the game more fun for everyone but the keeper because they wouldnt have to be on their toes as much, but then again, when your winning, your keepers already bored off his ass on this system.
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Post by The_One »

without shake what is the incentive to leave the box?
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Post by Inphidel »

ok well thus far the polls are 33 want shake 9 don't. and i saw smoe talk about how the defense is boring now so i guess alot of those who voted must be offense cuz no ones playing d ;P
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Post by Deacan Sharp »

time to throw this thread totally outta whack

David M can you give me a sale count on your deathball G String