new clan system for NA? (yer all gonna hate this)

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new clan system for NA? (yer all gonna hate this)

Post by kaot »

what if we redid the clan/league system in NA?

Like have a few clan captains and a certain number of points per clan, say each clan gets 100 points and then it goes a bit like a pug.

everybody else registers, and then the captains sign players based on how many points the player wants and what the captains are willing to give them.

Individually the goal would be amass as many points as possible, with set bonuses for performance (whether that be goals scored, or game mvp, or whatever).

Maybe if we could pick up a few sponsors, each member of the champion team would get like, i dunno, new headphones or something and the absolute best player in the league would get a video card or something. In exchange sponsors could advertise in the maps. I know this has been tried before, but i dunno how else to get the goods.

Between seasons, draft noobs and other free agents.

Shorter seasons would encourage people to stick around long enough to get drafted or start new clans.

This is just a really rough idea, and there are of course some downsides.

Upsides: shake up the community a bit and distribute the talent more evenly so it isn't like, dead certain that a clan like v3 is going to trounce everybody so why bother playing. Allow a nice tracking system so all you egotistical shits can go look and see just how much you're worth and how you compare to everybody else ; )

downsides: no real enforcement. I mean, how do you *make* a player stick with a team? I guess this is where the reward system comes into play. also it would take a lot of work and involvement to get this off the ground, like a website with a player/point tracking backend. Plus it seems most people are with their clans because they enjoy playing with those people and wouldn't have it any other way.

( Another, mostly unrelated thought I had is, get the specs for 1.3b or 1.4b deathball and keep the scoreboard enhancements and keeper fixes but move the rest of the gameplay back to when everybody enjoyed playing a lot more. )

well, there it is, maybe we can run with it and do something constructive. Or just flame the shit out of me and call me a braindead nubcake and slander my ancestors, whatever. Just a thought I had. Personally I think it'd be cool, even if I was a second string defender making 5 points a week.
Last edited by kaot on 19-08-2003 23:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Weisso »

i dunno if it would work, knowing v3 players, one of them would be captain, then the rest would be like "I want 90 points" until the v3 captain goes for them

i just think this mod needs more publicity in NA

DavidM get a north american PR guy! :D

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Post by NaB »

prob not untill he has got a euro one :rolleyes:
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Post by InSaNe »

Does every thread hafta have a v3 flame post? I didn't think such a thing would come from teh weisso :|

But good idea, I don't know if it's gonna work or not but let David have a thought. If he's not too stoned :p
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Post by gnomeh »

but v3 flame posts are the only thing left exciting (other than sin's post)...
please do continue to flame :)
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Post by kaot »

insane, do you seriously think davidm would do anything but shoot this down in a heartbeat?
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Post by kaot »

weisso we could probably come up with stuff to prevent that sort of thing. For example, your going rate as a player remains the same no matter what team is asking. If one team can afford to bid more than another, the player has to go with that team or... or... I dunno. Maybe we could just go on an honor system (hahahahayeahright).

And as for publicity, there used to be loads of NA clans. I remember a lot of them leaving after getting destroyed 100-0. A massive influx of new players and clans would just lead to a repeat and on top of that all the good players would go to clans who don't really need any more good players.
Last edited by kaot on 20-08-2003 01:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by InSaNe »

davidm spends too much time here than he does in pubs/pickup games, thats why he doesn't know squat about whats happening out there :|
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

too much typing, cliff notes please
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Post by theberkin8or »

um the problem is we aren't actaully geting payed.. i am not going to play with players i don't like for nothing...i am not a profesional... this is about fun
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Post by kaot »

hence the sponsors/prizes thing.
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Post by Fallen »

I like the idea, might be useful if we did a type of tourney with this idea. Instead of asking davidm if we can do this, let's do it ourselves. I'm sure, we could get a few people up to the task to atleast get this started. I had sort of idea with the concept of this as somewhat a pug tourney. You have captains, and a pool of free agents. What you guys think?
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Post by kaot »

I think i never even considered asking davidm because we don't need to and it we wouldn't get anything done that way.
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Post by Surge »

the NA DB draft...

all teams have 1 "captain" and lock 3 players if they're currently on their team. From there its a draw based order in which picks are taken with a turntable.

This means if the original order is:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

the next picks will fall:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Now your all going to say "thats a stupid idea, shove off noob" but any players so important to you will be either frozen, or picked first by your team.

Right now clans divide the community more than helping it. Were all being competative for no reason really. If a few players on different teams were all friends there would be no need for the private channels or anything like that. It'd just be teams, not clans. At the end of a short season of playing other clans twice per season a winner is declaired and the process starts over again. Players will have more chances to play with different people and at the end of a season (which can be really played out in about a month) they get to see some fresh faces for their team, who will be guarenteed to play with at least 3 players who were frozen by the captain that know what their doing.

Right now DB doesnt need to be competative like it is... no body wins when the whole community falls apart.
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Post by theberkin8or »

surge what happend to you? wow