GreyFox is a whore
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One
GreyFox is a whore
a quick look at the clan forum shows that this keeper has had a lot of interest in him. I thought FCU had succesfully staged a coup it getting him to join us...
What follows is the complete transcript of a qry with him.
Please read it through. You can probably ignore the bits about Metal Gear Solid
Session Start: Tue Sep 09 16:22:05 2003
Session Ident: GreyFox[Seeking
(16:22:05) ((
(16:22:05) —› query with (GreyFox[Seeking) (
(16:22:05) —› total queries: 153 (~2.4 per day)
(16:22:05) —› queries today: 2
(16:22:05) —› common channels: +#{FCU} #dbpickup
(16:22:05) ((
(16:22:18) (plaer`) it's a little quieter here
(16:22:26) (GreyFox[Seeking) yea
(16:22:39) (plaer`) are you registered on the deathball league pages?
(16:22:46) (plaer`) i'll add you into the team
(16:22:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) nope i aint
(16:23:00) (plaer`)
(16:23:05) (plaer`) ok, go and sign up
(16:23:20) (GreyFox[Seeking) or i am register at but perhaps that doesnt count ?
(16:23:28) (plaer`) no, that doesnt count, sorry
(16:23:41) (GreyFox[Seeking) 1 last time, u r sure u want me ?
(16:23:45) (plaer`) yes
(16:23:49) (GreyFox[Seeking) oh yea
(16:23:50) (GreyFox[Seeking) sweet
(16:23:51) (plaer`)
(16:24:01) (plaer`) we have an internal irc channel too
(16:24:05) (plaer`) #{fcu|intern}
(16:24:09) (plaer`) password is CENSORED
(16:24:14) (GreyFox[Seeking) what should my nick name be ?
(16:24:19) (GreyFox[Seeking) {fcu}GreyFox ?
(16:24:20) (plaer`) GreyFox i guess
(16:24:27) (plaer`) dont bother with the tag
(16:24:30) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:24:34) (GreyFox[Seeking) u know who greyfox is
(16:24:43) (plaer`) i dont think so
(16:24:52) (GreyFox[Seeking) k, its the coolest player in metal gear solid
(16:25:01) (plaer`) aaah, i loved that game
Some chat about Metal Gear Solid cut out here
(16:29:40) (GreyFox[Seeking) what is the differnce of
(16:29:44) (GreyFox[Seeking) log in use and nick name ?
(16:29:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) user*
(16:29:59) (plaer`) erm, example: my login name is "plaer"
(16:30:11) (plaer`) my nickname is "plær"
(16:30:22) (GreyFox[Seeking) k lol so i should have the same
(16:30:33) (plaer`) you can just use greyfox for both
(16:30:43) (GreyFox[Seeking) do u guys have icq ?
(16:30:58) (plaer`) i dont use it, some of the guys might
(16:31:10) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:31:12) (GreyFox[Seeking) icq ?
(16:31:16) (GreyFox[Seeking) i kinda h8 icq
(16:31:42) (GreyFox[Seeking) that damn noice when u get a message
(16:31:51) (GreyFox[Seeking) and i h8 that typing sound
(16:31:55) (plaer`) heh
(16:32:04) (plaer`) we basically only use irc
(16:32:05) (GreyFox[Seeking) arg
(16:32:11) (GreyFox[Seeking) greyfox was already taken
(16:32:15) (plaer`) tho some of use use msn messenger as well
(16:32:17) (plaer`) really?
(16:32:22) (GreyFox[Seeking) i will take {fcu}GreyFox
(16:32:41) (plaer`) thats odd
(16:32:47) (plaer`) i cant find a greyfox on the player list
(16:33:03) (GreyFox[Seeking) well it said it was taken
(16:33:18) (plaer`) thats...wierd
(16:33:36) (GreyFox[Seeking) is it wrong 2 have {fcu}GreyFox?
(16:33:41) (plaer`) not, of course not
(16:33:49) (plaer`) have anything you like mate
(16:34:09) (GreyFox[Seeking) whats ur irl name ?
(16:34:24) (plaer`) James
(16:34:41) (GreyFox[Seeking) wtf
(16:34:47) (GreyFox[Seeking) it said
(16:34:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) that
(16:34:52) (GreyFox[Seeking) {fcu}GreyFox already exists
(16:34:59) (plaer`) ok, that is fucked
(16:35:22) (plaer`) there have been some problems with the league pages recently
(16:35:39) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:35:50) (GreyFox[Seeking) it cant have something 2 have with the mail right
(16:36:08) (plaer`) i dont think that matters
(16:36:09) (GreyFox[Seeking) that i have registerd on normal forum with my mail
(16:36:19) (plaer`) no, they are completely separate
(16:37:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) oh yea, look at this
(16:37:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) Some people lately complained that the team signup is broken. I will temporarily signup teams manually, please send an email to containing the following data:
(16:37:08) (plaer`) i think you need to talk to bazzi (the league admin)
(16:37:22) (plaer`) he is in #deathball as "bratzi"
(16:37:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) i will just mail him
(16:37:56) (plaer`) ok
(16:38:02) —› join: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#deathball)
(16:39:44) (( /whois start ))
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking is "Anton" (
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking voiced in #{FCU}
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking reg in #dbpickup #deathball
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(16:39:45) (( /whois end ))
(16:50:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) lo again
(16:51:02) (plaer`) hihi
(16:51:10) (plaer`) did you speak to bazzi?
(16:51:13) (GreyFox[Seeking) yea
(16:51:19) (GreyFox[Seeking) he said 2 make an email
(16:51:33) (GreyFox[Seeking) btw, do u know if usaar hangs around in deathball channel ?
(16:51:45) (plaer`) no, ive never seen him there
(16:51:55) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Your player name (you have to signup as player first)
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Your player email
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Teamtag + Teamname you wish to use
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Country + Continent
(16:52:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) what do they mean with player name ?
(16:52:12) (GreyFox[Seeking) my old normal login ?
(16:52:21) (plaer`) ugh, he thinks you want to sign up a new team
(16:52:26) (plaer`) not just a player
(16:53:13) (GreyFox[Seeking) so should i write {fcu}GreyFox there
(16:53:44) (plaer`) you need to write him an email, saying that you cant sign up *AS A PLAYER*
(16:54:16) (plaer`) then give him the things that it asks for on the "sign-up" page were you were previously
(16:54:47) (plaer`) where* you were previously
(17:03:24) —› part: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#dbpickup)
(17:08:15) (GreyFox[Seeking) sec lol
time passes, nothing happens
(19:01:15) (plaer`) GreyFox[Seeking , you still there?
more time passes
(21:37:36) —› part: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#{FCU})
Hm, that's odd, why has he parted all of a sudden?
(21:51:00) (( /whois start ))
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking is "Anton" (
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking opped in #sD*37
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking reg in #deathball
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(21:51:00) (( /whois end ))
Opped in #sd*37...what is going on?
(21:51:07) —› can't join #sD*37 (requires key (+k))
(21:51:07) —› press (Control+F2) to retry!
(21:51:49) —› nick: (GreyFox[Seeking) is now known as (sD37)
(21:52:07) (plaer`) GreyFox[Seeking , you still there?
(21:53:03) —› nick: (sD37) is now known as (^GreyFox^)
(21:53:16) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:57) (plaer`) you wanna explain what the hell is going on?
(21:55:22) (plaer`) dont ignore me please
(21:55:29) (^GreyFox^) sry i was afk
(21:55:40) (plaer`) what is going on?
(21:55:49) (plaer`) you are opped in sd37
(21:55:54) (plaer`) and then i see this
(21:55:55) (plaer`) ... madmin=192
(21:56:12) (^GreyFox^) im sry but sd37 asked me to the trial just before i registerd
(21:56:16) (^GreyFox^) and lol i did
(21:56:21) (^GreyFox^) then they asked me 2 join
(21:56:41) (plaer`) dude, you already agreed to join us...
(21:57:19) (^GreyFox^) yea ....
(21:57:28) (plaer`) and then you drop out, without even telling ?
(21:57:52) (^GreyFox^) i was gonna tell i am still in ur channel, i just did the damn trial
(21:58:24) (^GreyFox^) man i am sry
(21:58:34) (plaer`) you are a whore
Session Close: Tue Sep 09 21:58:36 2003
He then proceded to profusely apologize in #fcu, but to be honest, I didn't care. What he did was cheap, and inexcusable.
I'm not angry at the sd*37 guys, they didnt know about this afaik. I'm also not surprised that he went to splash damage. I mean, offered a place, who wouldn't join a Div 1 team ?
What I am angry about is the fact that he trialled with them *after* telling us that he would be joined us. Hell, if the dbl page wasnt buggy, he probably would have joined us.
Or worse, he would have joined us, for about 2 hours, then still whored himself to sD...
What follows is the complete transcript of a qry with him.
Please read it through. You can probably ignore the bits about Metal Gear Solid
Session Start: Tue Sep 09 16:22:05 2003
Session Ident: GreyFox[Seeking
(16:22:05) ((
(16:22:05) —› query with (GreyFox[Seeking) (
(16:22:05) —› total queries: 153 (~2.4 per day)
(16:22:05) —› queries today: 2
(16:22:05) —› common channels: +#{FCU} #dbpickup
(16:22:05) ((
(16:22:18) (plaer`) it's a little quieter here
(16:22:26) (GreyFox[Seeking) yea
(16:22:39) (plaer`) are you registered on the deathball league pages?
(16:22:46) (plaer`) i'll add you into the team
(16:22:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) nope i aint
(16:23:00) (plaer`)
(16:23:05) (plaer`) ok, go and sign up
(16:23:20) (GreyFox[Seeking) or i am register at but perhaps that doesnt count ?
(16:23:28) (plaer`) no, that doesnt count, sorry
(16:23:41) (GreyFox[Seeking) 1 last time, u r sure u want me ?
(16:23:45) (plaer`) yes
(16:23:49) (GreyFox[Seeking) oh yea
(16:23:50) (GreyFox[Seeking) sweet
(16:23:51) (plaer`)
(16:24:01) (plaer`) we have an internal irc channel too
(16:24:05) (plaer`) #{fcu|intern}
(16:24:09) (plaer`) password is CENSORED
(16:24:14) (GreyFox[Seeking) what should my nick name be ?
(16:24:19) (GreyFox[Seeking) {fcu}GreyFox ?
(16:24:20) (plaer`) GreyFox i guess
(16:24:27) (plaer`) dont bother with the tag
(16:24:30) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:24:34) (GreyFox[Seeking) u know who greyfox is
(16:24:43) (plaer`) i dont think so
(16:24:52) (GreyFox[Seeking) k, its the coolest player in metal gear solid
(16:25:01) (plaer`) aaah, i loved that game
Some chat about Metal Gear Solid cut out here
(16:29:40) (GreyFox[Seeking) what is the differnce of
(16:29:44) (GreyFox[Seeking) log in use and nick name ?
(16:29:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) user*
(16:29:59) (plaer`) erm, example: my login name is "plaer"
(16:30:11) (plaer`) my nickname is "plær"
(16:30:22) (GreyFox[Seeking) k lol so i should have the same
(16:30:33) (plaer`) you can just use greyfox for both
(16:30:43) (GreyFox[Seeking) do u guys have icq ?
(16:30:58) (plaer`) i dont use it, some of the guys might
(16:31:10) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:31:12) (GreyFox[Seeking) icq ?
(16:31:16) (GreyFox[Seeking) i kinda h8 icq
(16:31:42) (GreyFox[Seeking) that damn noice when u get a message
(16:31:51) (GreyFox[Seeking) and i h8 that typing sound
(16:31:55) (plaer`) heh
(16:32:04) (plaer`) we basically only use irc
(16:32:05) (GreyFox[Seeking) arg
(16:32:11) (GreyFox[Seeking) greyfox was already taken
(16:32:15) (plaer`) tho some of use use msn messenger as well
(16:32:17) (plaer`) really?
(16:32:22) (GreyFox[Seeking) i will take {fcu}GreyFox
(16:32:41) (plaer`) thats odd
(16:32:47) (plaer`) i cant find a greyfox on the player list
(16:33:03) (GreyFox[Seeking) well it said it was taken
(16:33:18) (plaer`) thats...wierd
(16:33:36) (GreyFox[Seeking) is it wrong 2 have {fcu}GreyFox?
(16:33:41) (plaer`) not, of course not
(16:33:49) (plaer`) have anything you like mate
(16:34:09) (GreyFox[Seeking) whats ur irl name ?
(16:34:24) (plaer`) James
(16:34:41) (GreyFox[Seeking) wtf
(16:34:47) (GreyFox[Seeking) it said
(16:34:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) that
(16:34:52) (GreyFox[Seeking) {fcu}GreyFox already exists
(16:34:59) (plaer`) ok, that is fucked
(16:35:22) (plaer`) there have been some problems with the league pages recently
(16:35:39) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:35:50) (GreyFox[Seeking) it cant have something 2 have with the mail right
(16:36:08) (plaer`) i dont think that matters
(16:36:09) (GreyFox[Seeking) that i have registerd on normal forum with my mail
(16:36:19) (plaer`) no, they are completely separate
(16:37:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) oh yea, look at this
(16:37:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) Some people lately complained that the team signup is broken. I will temporarily signup teams manually, please send an email to containing the following data:
(16:37:08) (plaer`) i think you need to talk to bazzi (the league admin)
(16:37:22) (plaer`) he is in #deathball as "bratzi"
(16:37:48) (GreyFox[Seeking) i will just mail him
(16:37:56) (plaer`) ok
(16:38:02) —› join: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#deathball)
(16:39:44) (( /whois start ))
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking is "Anton" (
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking voiced in #{FCU}
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking reg in #dbpickup #deathball
(16:39:44) —› GreyFox[Seeking using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(16:39:45) (( /whois end ))
(16:50:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) lo again
(16:51:02) (plaer`) hihi
(16:51:10) (plaer`) did you speak to bazzi?
(16:51:13) (GreyFox[Seeking) yea
(16:51:19) (GreyFox[Seeking) he said 2 make an email
(16:51:33) (GreyFox[Seeking) btw, do u know if usaar hangs around in deathball channel ?
(16:51:45) (plaer`) no, ive never seen him there
(16:51:55) (GreyFox[Seeking) k
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Your player name (you have to signup as player first)
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Your player email
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Teamtag + Teamname you wish to use
(16:51:56) (GreyFox[Seeking) - Country + Continent
(16:52:04) (GreyFox[Seeking) what do they mean with player name ?
(16:52:12) (GreyFox[Seeking) my old normal login ?
(16:52:21) (plaer`) ugh, he thinks you want to sign up a new team
(16:52:26) (plaer`) not just a player
(16:53:13) (GreyFox[Seeking) so should i write {fcu}GreyFox there
(16:53:44) (plaer`) you need to write him an email, saying that you cant sign up *AS A PLAYER*
(16:54:16) (plaer`) then give him the things that it asks for on the "sign-up" page were you were previously
(16:54:47) (plaer`) where* you were previously
(17:03:24) —› part: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#dbpickup)
(17:08:15) (GreyFox[Seeking) sec lol
time passes, nothing happens
(19:01:15) (plaer`) GreyFox[Seeking , you still there?
more time passes
(21:37:36) —› part: (GreyFox[Seeking) ( (#{FCU})
Hm, that's odd, why has he parted all of a sudden?
(21:51:00) (( /whois start ))
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking is "Anton" (
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking opped in #sD*37
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking reg in #deathball
(21:51:00) —› GreyFox[Seeking using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(21:51:00) (( /whois end ))
Opped in #sd*37...what is going on?
(21:51:07) —› can't join #sD*37 (requires key (+k))
(21:51:07) —› press (Control+F2) to retry!
(21:51:49) —› nick: (GreyFox[Seeking) is now known as (sD37)
(21:52:07) (plaer`) GreyFox[Seeking , you still there?
(21:53:03) —› nick: (sD37) is now known as (^GreyFox^)
(21:53:16) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:17) (plaer`) ^GreyFox^
(21:53:57) (plaer`) you wanna explain what the hell is going on?
(21:55:22) (plaer`) dont ignore me please
(21:55:29) (^GreyFox^) sry i was afk
(21:55:40) (plaer`) what is going on?
(21:55:49) (plaer`) you are opped in sd37
(21:55:54) (plaer`) and then i see this
(21:55:55) (plaer`) ... madmin=192
(21:56:12) (^GreyFox^) im sry but sd37 asked me to the trial just before i registerd
(21:56:16) (^GreyFox^) and lol i did
(21:56:21) (^GreyFox^) then they asked me 2 join
(21:56:41) (plaer`) dude, you already agreed to join us...
(21:57:19) (^GreyFox^) yea ....
(21:57:28) (plaer`) and then you drop out, without even telling ?
(21:57:52) (^GreyFox^) i was gonna tell i am still in ur channel, i just did the damn trial
(21:58:24) (^GreyFox^) man i am sry
(21:58:34) (plaer`) you are a whore
Session Close: Tue Sep 09 21:58:36 2003
He then proceded to profusely apologize in #fcu, but to be honest, I didn't care. What he did was cheap, and inexcusable.
I'm not angry at the sd*37 guys, they didnt know about this afaik. I'm also not surprised that he went to splash damage. I mean, offered a place, who wouldn't join a Div 1 team ?
What I am angry about is the fact that he trialled with them *after* telling us that he would be joined us. Hell, if the dbl page wasnt buggy, he probably would have joined us.
Or worse, he would have joined us, for about 2 hours, then still whored himself to sD...
Last edited by -plær- on 09-09-2003 22:39, edited 1 time in total.
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