Pickup enhancer

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Post by Rens2Sea »

I already see it:

def - 0
off - 0

def - 1337
off - 1337

According to david ofcourse =\
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Post by DavidM »

Btw. here some players without a Qauth (cannot be added to database without)

{CDB}Chrispan 0
{CDB}Ashl 0
ete|db 0
Chubbs|DB 0
|23|DaRkIcE[DK] 0
[MS]Shandy 0
Machine` 0
mad`` 0
supaFLY- 0
Fizzy 0
BlackFlame 0
Taken` 0
[RusH]Hoju 0
HrB 0
riGo` 0
D1gg1 0
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Post by DavidM »

Rens, please think!
Having a high value for me would mean I had to play with 4 crap players :)

Not gonna publish your values here, but I think everybody would agree they are fair. (No, its not 0 0)
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Post by BonGy »

i want to know mine! :P

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Post by NaB »

you only play sD vs pickups :\

you have no idea how good or bad other ppl are.

you can only get a feel for that sort of thing if youve played loads of 10ppl pickups.

also, it should be a pannel of ppl to decide the points, not just u and goldy :\
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Post by DavidM »

nab = complain by default :D

we only play sd vs pickup? now thats new to me
maybe you never notice when i play normal ones?
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Post by CorDawg »

DavidM wrote: nab = complain by default :D

we only play sd vs pickup? now thats new to me
maybe you never notice when i play normal ones?

it seems davidm must play pickups to actually care about something.
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Post by Requiem »

omfg, nice idea :p
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Post by themachine »

david, i do have a qauth. ive only just formated my comp and didnt put the details back in :D
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Post by RaGe|DB »

since u dont wanna fuck people up, make valeus from 1-5
that way it would be more fair
5 = uberleet
1= meh /o\
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Post by RaGe|DB »

DavidM wrote: Evil M!

But as I said, it's just to have a vague idea....
like: is he crap in def, solid or Über?
This shouldn't be a big prob.

Btw. I could not add you, because you have no Q auth.

u decide?

yay u think im a psuedo-def

cant we just let the commmunity vote for every player? /o\ like the allstar team votes
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Post by Maegrim »

RaGe|DB wrote: since u dont wanna fuck people up, make valeus from 1-5
that way it would be more fair
5 = uberleet
1= meh /o\

0-4 is the same as 1-5 :p
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Post by f1end »

It will be very hard to make it fair, cos some people play very well together, and some (even tho they are good) don't.

e.g. 1 team might be: 4 members of 1 clan, and a keeper...the other team: 4 random people who's numbers add up to the same...

Also, you can't account for "off days"...e.g. Last night, I couldn't hit the side of a bus i was on...

Not that I've actually played a pick-up in ages...
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Post by DavidM »

ditto at maeg \o

Rage, as I said to Rens, giving you a low value would be an advantage for you, think about it!
And you are not bad, but you are not a 4 either.
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Post by drifter »

Good Point f1endeh... sometimes I don't seem to click with the defence (especiallly when they camp teh box all the time... it's sooo annoying and backwards that "tactic". x_X ) anyway theory sounds good and as Keepers are yes|no I'm easy \o/

aye, some sort of quickly whipped up voting system would be good for that... I believe the more (registered) people that voice their opinion on a player, the more accurate the "score" value will be...

Maybe you could script something in the
bot Goldy to enable voting or score adding for voices and ops?

eg: moi; "yes" "0" "0" as I only play on pitch when there's a solar eclipse. :)