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Post by SilverDragon »

What can I say. To be truthfull I never had problem with Surge and he is a good DB player so I would have no problem with him being in NS.

There was only one thing, only one condition I said to my clan and that was that he would tell us that he was actualy Surge. That was the only thing I required because I want to know who is playing on my team and if I can depend on them.

I really am not sure why people hate Surge. If its because of that 100 page V3 post.....well on one hand it was bs, on other he was speaking his opinion and you guys turned it into Flame World War 10.
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Post by Xelent »

I think what SD was trying to say is that Surge is a fag and he sucks ass.
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Post by Lithinite »

spoken like a true fag that sucks ass X

btw, if you go back and read my 100 page V3 post, i only did it cause Bodem told me he'd leave if i did. Looks like Bodom doesnt like to keep his word either...

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Post by Xelent »

Surge why dont you come back to DB so you can join another clan and piss all of them off. Its not my fault your a part of a community that doesnt like you for the most part; Im just waiting for you to quit for the 4th time after you pop in again. :)

btw you really do suck ass at db, i wasnt just being an idiot
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Post by Lithinite »

Xelent wrote: i wasnt just being an idiot

first time for everything...
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Post by theberkin8or »

rah>surge duh rah is a great keeper so don't even think about blaming your team's loss on him maybe you should consider geting back and playing some of that d you think is so easy for him.

surge.... do you ever think there is a reason that everyone h8 you? .... i mean do you think it is just some evil consperisy against you? honestly?

If you wnat a new begining... that is fine with me, i will give it to you BUT don't pull your old shit and exspect for it to be any different. If you want one say so and I for one will trying keep an open mind and i beleave that the rest of UFO will as well.
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Post by Xelent »

lol thats a huge mistake berk :)

There is a reason why surge went through 3 clans or however many it was. Cause hes ghey and he sucks and I hate him along with tons of other people.
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Post by RahSun »

Let me just say that I don't "hate" Surge. I just have no respect for him because he chose to lie on 2 different occaisions to get himself out of a clan. All I did was point out facts...I don't think anywhere in my posts did you see any personal attack against Surge. My primary point was he has lied to "the community" he claimed to cherish. :rolleyes:

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Post by [V3]Jew »

surge you suck donkey liquid shit 4 dixie chicken shit popeyes taliban piss kthxem we came we saw we FUCKED u in your hippopotamus green shit kthx whos NEXT!!!
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Post by Armagon »

Originally posted by Surge... err... Lithinite
Better watch your backs. Never know when i might come back you paranoid fuckface. I just might be the best new attacker your clan ever had.
Last edited by Armagon on 29-09-2003 05:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theberkin8or »

gg sin sucks too @ least he doesn't lie about it... i am sorta disappointed in NS that they would take a person that openly lied to them btw... but it is your clan have fun with him
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Post by RahSun »

theberkin8or wrote: gg sin sucks too @ least he doesn't lie about it... i am sorta disappointed in NS that they would take a person that openly lied to them btw... but it is your clan have fun with him

Actually, I was made aware by a source from NS that Surge/Lith is no longer part of NS. Please do not associate Surge with that clan.

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Post by RaGe|DB »

i have my own confession
im really [DEUS]Imo

ask him....
and he is [D@MN]RaGe

but dont tell anyone \o/

right RaGe?
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

not really funny tbh...
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Post by Robotojon »

i was froste, but a long time ago, i replaced him with an all hacking, all spamming bot, and moved to Robotojon.

If you see froste on a server now - Watch Out - He is a bot that uses hacks and cheats ! its true ! my great programming skills for autosweeper and hack shot.