Coloured crosshair range finder idea...

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Coloured crosshair range finder idea...

Post by R3L!K »

Just another crappy suggestion from yours truly...

How about a client side option, aimed at 'new' players but also for shit players like myself to help them judge the distances around them to various nearby objects. For example:

If pointing at another player without the ball and they are in boost range: The cross hair turns blue.

If pointing at an enemy player with the ball and they are in hitting range the cross hair turns red.

If the ball can be vollied the cross hair turns green.

What do you think?:p
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Post by Chick-kun »

leet suggestion relik, so davidm? :p
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Good idea o/
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Post by FeEdiKo »

l33t \o/
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Post by Chick-kun »

actually, with this option, vollies and boosts wont be misjudged from now on, this would be pwn, especially for retards like me. maybe it could be client configurable, but server side so it accounts for lag?
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Post by Onge »

Good players will feel you should be able to do all this through skill, not a visual aid. But as I'm not a good player, I'm all for it!
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Post by R3L!K »

good point about the lag chick-kun... didnt really occur to me...

also sometimes u can volley the ball when its above you... so maybe the cross-hair shouldn't just change colour when you point at the object, but whenever its physically possible to do...

there are times when u can also do 2 things in one action, eg boost and volley... so maybe whichever object is closer gets colour preference...
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Post by Messy »

Good idea but..wudnt that make it too easy? O_o

I say use it for n00bs only ^^;

edit: try a poll relik =)
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Post by R3L!K »

oh ok.... :rollseyes: :P
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Post by Chick-kun »

or not make it an online thing, like that auto aiming thing. you could do with something like this to get to know the ranges well.
tbh, if you know the ranges very well and can use them at the maximum range possible, you are teh master
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Post by CurvE »

Definatly not for DBL.... but publics it would be fine?
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Post by R3L!K »

it would make it easier Messy, yeah, but I see it like this... in 'real life' only a spastic would try to kick a ball and miss. most normal people can kick a ball.

I see deathball in a similar way. The skill is in aiming, timing and powering... so maybe this system will help people concentrate on the more important parts of the game...
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Post by CurvE »

Nice idea Relik ;)
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Post by CurvE »

but.. for people who have no crosshair (like me for instance) what do we do? :devil:
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Post by Chick-kun »

R3L!K wrote: it would make it easier Messy, yeah, but I see it like this... in 'real life' only a spastic would try to kick a ball and miss. most normal people can kick a ball.

I see deathball in a similar way. The skill is in aiming, timing and powering... so maybe this system will help people concentrate on the more important parts of the game...

this is genius in a relik. nuff said