The next move to be removed =)

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Post by Bodom »

Good defenders don't fall for this, mainly cause they'll boost you to the side rather than towards their goal. Also, if you can actually pull it off, you deserve the gained distance/goal.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

1: I do know how to stop it -.-
2: RiCo shut up, and u'll find that even tho im not a star at all yet, i can do both reasonable defending and attacking
3: I never meant this seriously O_o as i said i dont care either way if it's removed or not, was just a 'silly' prediction :p

Bodom: I totally agree.
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Post by Ars3h »

wouldnt matter db will soon be dead anyway
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Post by cY|riCo »

it won't :P
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

db lives on duh :)

/me huggles db tight <3
I quit when davidm quits :p or whoever will be the last (cough..second-last) to quit.
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Post by BloodyLoony »

On the subject of skill vs luck with this move, I'd have to say that with people who are new to this trick, you can call it skill-based, but when both attacker and defender knows what's about to happen it's all a game of rock-paper-scissors; you have to guess when the opponent will make the move when you really you can't know.

I'm not sure it should be removed altogether, I'm just sure that enemy broomsticks should be removed so that making this "mistake" isn't that vital (so the attacker won't be able to actyally fly into the goal with the ball in his gun).
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Post by BL44T »

No Mewwy bad idea, i think the next move to be removed will be the trick where someone wallpasses very high, then boosts his teammate up n he scores
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Post by [1234]Jr »

How about dont hit the attacker from behind? that itself is bad def, cos if your behind him... your not defending ;)
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Post by theberkin8or »

erm think about mid field guys were you just get boosted and you don't have enough jump to get past the dude so with this move aviable you are going to have to wait to hit the guy until you are beside him or risk this... personally i don't have a problem with this but as you know some ppl are hard as hell to hit i can see good player dancing around until they get the defender/middie to hit them pruely becuase they haven't been able to hit them other wise
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Post by cY|riCo »

\o/ BL44T

who makes this move??

i didnt see it yet
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

ur not looking very hard then=)
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Post by gemXX »

cY|riCo wrote: \o/ BL44T

who makes this move??

i didnt see it yet

thats odd, I distinctly remember scoring 2 goals past cY from kick off using the trick, cY are among the worst for not countering it.
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Post by CurvE »

WTF is this thread?, your stupidity is rather amusing..

HEY! im gonna go start a thread on putting down delays on passing, yes, rather retarded isnt it....

You said it yourself, you needed something to moan at, whats the point? noone giving you any attention? :\
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Post by Messy »

Your bad knowledge on interpunction and basic vocabulary use made me giggle. :)

edit: Anyway, bored as I am, I'm going to reply to this.
First of all, it's not a completely stupid idea, I know it's not as horribly whoreable (<-- saw what i did there? ;)) as the boost trick, and it's not even that important, not even to me.

I just wanted to bring it to attention and it IS in fact an easily countered move I ^DO^ agree (although I must say that what makes this work is: surprise. If executed unexpectedly, it *will* work, of course, if positions of you and the defender are allowing and the trick will actually be usefull, in the form of upfield progression).

I'm really surprised people are still posting in this thread, and I'm getting pretty sick of some of you guys adding nothing to the discussion but a useless spammy post showing ignorance and, wherever possible, illiteracy, doing nothing but slag me off for bringing suggestions, and thus trying to bring life to the community, and starting a discussion that might lead to the improvement of this mod.

Seriously, grow up and get a clue.
Last edited by Messy on 08-10-2003 14:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Armagon »

*Giggles like a school girl*