Bringing back the DBA

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Bringing back the DBA

Post by Catalyst88 »

I'm fed up of the DBL, I play to have fun, and I think helping out new players would be much more fulfilling... so I'm gonna start up the DBA again, but this time make it slightly different :). I want it to be a place where newbies can come and play games amoungst themselves - a bit like pickups but of a lesser ability. When I have time to I'll teach them some of the tricks of the game (and hopefully some other peeps'll want to help out too :) ).

Basically it'sll be like the step between being completely new/pub play to pickup/league standard. Plus they could help teach the next generation, and so on :). I'm hoping it'll be a good place to pickup new members for clans/form new clans as well, and teach people what a PROPER community should be like. Because, well, the community's kinda shitty sometimes around here. Anywho, if you know of anybody who might be interested in such a thing, or if you are yourself, or if you wanna help out with some of the teaching/organisation then just post here :). I'll put up a new site and some other stuff soon-ish.

For now I'll be using #dba on Quakenet IRC - come hang around and I'll try sorting things out :). This is a completely different setup from the last DBA - anyone can join (unless I think they're joining just to "own" some newbies, which isn't on), and it won't be regularly shceduled practices or anything, just games as and when people are around. I'm hoping this'll help attract some new blood to DB as well.
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Post by Fragger »

/me huggles Catalyst =]
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Post by Ker]v[et »

heh, g1 Cata

I' would like to be a teacher there \o/ but organisation isnt my thing^
I'll can special teach german Dudes (if there are lots..) but also all who speaks english :D

lets see how much time that will cost O_o
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Post by Onge »

I'll help to teach people what I do best: mis-time tackles and chase shadows...Invaluable skills I can tell ya!
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Post by -plær- »

I'd be more than happy to offer what help I can.
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Post by hAcK.NL »

Just a tip: get DavidM to include some directions to the site/channel/etc into DB

The new players need to be able to find you and your posse or else I'm afraid this initiative is destined to die in vain. :(

Although I have never had anything to do with the last DBA, I don't think there was a shortage of inspiration and enthusiasm on the side of Chrisfu and his followers (well, at first, can't tell for later on \o/). And I certainly don't believe this is the case with you, but the folks need to be able to find you!

/shuts up now :rolleyes:
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Post by Messy »

I'd love to help but cata just said she didnt want me =(


I'll be crying and cutting myself in the corner now :o
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Post by GazMaN »

gg cat, the idea of the dba in the first place was a good one, it just came down to the ppl running it not having enought time, so this seems a better idea :)

ill b around if ya need me sexy
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Post by RaGe|DB »

could i be able to help Cata? i helped alot of newbies going in this game :) , plz? :p
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Post by InSaNe` »

I pm'ed Cata and this subject came up. I told her I'd think about it and I have.

I'll give any free time I can to help newbs (need to help myself first \o/ ) in any sort of way. I'm idling in the channel now and I hope this can work out as well.
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Post by theberkin8or »

w00t cata are having the posting power on front page now \o/

I would be happy to help teacharing if you are wanting to have NA too. If i can't teach can i joins? :-p
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Post by Fallen_Bullet »

Not that I think this is a bad idea, but again it might now work out as planned as you might think kitty :D Why not have the idea, have a server free for people to jion, and have such and such fun games and give suggestions as you play. Instead of set practises, blah blah blah. I tried it, however you cannot be taught how to play the game by someone typing, you have to see various gameplay situations. This is how I started out, watching all the demos I could get my hands on. I loved the cy13 vs. tezc matches, they were quite entertaining.
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Post by priior »

there's a difference between learning to get better and learning how to play.

demos make u better.. but to have a jump start into db life with minimal frustration.. the dba is a great idea if it works out!
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Post by [D@MN]HERRY »

i can teach attacking o-O
well , starting with basic moves and stuff , count me in if you need me :)
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Fallen_Bullet wrote: Not that I think this is a bad idea, but again it might now work out as planned as you might think kitty :D Why not have the idea, have a server free for people to jion, and have such and such fun games and give suggestions as you play. Instead of set practises, blah blah blah. I tried it, however you cannot be taught how to play the game by someone typing, you have to see various gameplay situations. This is how I started out, watching all the demos I could get my hands on. I loved the cy13 vs. tezc matches, they were quite entertaining.

Did you not read what i said? :). I want to turn it into a place where new people can play games amoungst themselves/get helped out if people are around to help train, rather than a strict practise schedule :). (Also, I played in that cY vs TEZC game ;) )