The Second Deathball Ownage Map Pack, be sure to vote!

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The Deathball Ownage Map Pack #2, be sure to vote!

Post by Armagon »

For those of you who don't check the map section of these forums, I wanted to make sure you were all aware that the second Deathball Ownage Map Pack is coming together. This time around I'm going to be heavily depending on public opinion to decide what maps go in. The approach I've taken to this, is to write reviews for any potential maps that could make it in, then put up a poll so that public can decide. If at least 50% want the map, it will go in. However, to insure an accurate poll it is better that there are at least ten votes for each map so I can get a better idea of what the public really want.

Whenever I write any reviews, I'll post links to the polls here.
So far I have written the following reviews:
DB-Hall - ... eadid=8202
DB-RageArena2 - ... eadid=8260
DB-Sunset - ... eadid=8550
DB-Zodiac - ... eadid=8396

For more information about the forming of this pack, or if you want to request a map for review, see this thread: ... eadid=8200

One last point I want to emphasize is,
Last edited by Armagon on 24-12-2003 10:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Armagon »

Another review has just been finished, be sure to vote!

DB-DragonIsle - ... eadid=8590
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Post by Armagon »

Another review has just been finished, be sure to vote!

DBW-Cell2 - ... eadid=8630
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Post by Armagon »

Another review has just been finished, be sure to vote!

DB-Slamball - ... eadid=8679
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Post by Bonkers »

you are... really bored aren't you arma?
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Post by speedy »

i liek spoons
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Post by Demolution »

Yes, Armagon has way too much hands on his time. ;)
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Post by Scotteh »

I think its great what he's doing..someone that actually supports non official maps and gives feedback on them is rare in this community
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Post by Demolution »

Just too much maps and you gotta download, then afterwards no one plays 'em... which is what i hate about custom maps :S
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Post by Armagon »

On our server yes. But there are some people like Twigstir and myself who like more variety in their maps.

EDIT: Also, I'm trying to write the reviews quite regularly because I have a set date to meet on the 25th, it certainly doesn't seem we'll be lacking maps to include.
Last edited by Armagon on 04-12-2003 20:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twigstir »

For this mod to support a large community base, it has to offer more than a couple of maps. When this community was bigger it did have a wider range of different maps being played. Many of the servers and people who supported this are gone. I believe this is slowly starting to come back.

Case in point, The once dead custom map server (03) has a lot more activity. Also, my server as of late, has been playing a wider range of official and non-official maps and I've seen a lot of new players on it. I hope this continues. I would like to play for sereral hours without ever repeating a map. I also want more active servers to choose from and different styles of play. I find it more entertaining that way.

I am currently working to increase the number of small volley only maps favored in the NA. Blue Ridge and Off center Left is the beginning of several of these.

The Euro custom map server (03) plays Avenir a lot. A hybrid map sized between the a normal volley only map and a meduim shooting map. It can be played as a small action packed shooting map or a volley only map with more passing. Dragon Isle and Sunset are sized to these players likes.

Of course there is Long ball Deathball. The league and many others love this.

Not many people will stay interested for a long period of time on just a few maps. I server puting up a new map and a player giving it a try, encourages others to do the same. The more maps and play styles that this mod offers, the greater the number of new players that will like and stay with deathball, besides keep the current ones still interested. Thus the community grows supporting everyones likes.

Armagon is trying to encourage and support this and help the community grow. The more people involved in trying and commenting on new maps the bigger and better this mod could become.

UT2003 itself would be nowhere near as popular without custom maps and mods.
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Post by Armagon »

As usual, Twigstir is spot on. There is only so much I can do to help this community, but I do what I can.
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Post by Demolution »

Twigster, i know that custom maps help build more community more, and Armagon is trying to help out with you.

But, It's just I'm not a person who can try different things... I like to have the same style all the time (it's just me) and I have to download these custom maps just to play online, without em.... i can't.

Same goes with other games I play, same style... because trying different things is abit hard and It'll take me a few months to master it. :S
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Post by Armagon »

Play Pong then, that's the most repetitive thing I've ever played. :p

Nah jokes mate, but I really do tire of playing the same maps. Take our server for example, we seldom have enough people for more than a 3v3 these days. As a result its usually smallcube, smallcube and more smallcube.
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Post by Twigstir »

If your on a 56k modem Demolution or anyone else, I understand downloading sucks. I've been there.

If I wanted to master deathball, I'd spend 2500 dollars on a new computer and join a clan. Then I'd work on my skills. However, I just play for fun. The maps I build are just ment for people to have fun. I get my butt kicked all the time but I still enjoy playing.

Many new maps are not big changes. Blue Ridge is very close to small cube (4096X2560). Dragon Isle is a cube except at a hybird size around 5120x3072. DB-Toonball is around the size of cube and retangle. These maps and others require very little getting use to.

Other maps may require some getting use to, but can be a lot of fun to play. But learning a new map carries over to other maps. The angles on small enclosure gave many people trouble at first. Matches today are much different and better than they where when this map came out. Players who play this map pick up very quickly other maps that have angles. They also have improved skills that carry over and can be used on cube maps.

Put a good clan team on Peaceful Night and they would turn to crap. The stuff on the field would be annoying at first. After a while the teams passing skills and teamwork would be much better for any map they play.

The more people playing these maps will help the community grow because the mod will offers more opportunities for people to have fun. That also means you'll get more people playing the standard like cube.