The Only Problem I had with the map (plz punish me I woz a bad boy ) is that it kills my FPS sometimes... I mean it's pretty playable, but Cube in full effect is playable then thisone on normalmode...
No, I was reffering to the X-Mas edition. Maybe its because of the Terrain... but dunno... It's not bad for my eyes, but It is unexpetced at Normal settings. Althought t is well done that the map uses all 3 types of display options (normal-high-highest)
removing the terrain layers amd leaving the deco layer (the blades of grass) give me a 15 fps increase from 25... removing terrain altogether still gives a 15 fps increase. Maybe it's because i set the terrain height map to it's default?
Rage, I'll understand if you haven't had a chance to work on the map lately, but I'm just letting you know that the ABSOLUTE latest I can wait for this map is til the 21st, though for this to happen I'll need you to contact me.
Right i have a tequest to get the map done asap. so. 1 qiestion. Lit or Unlit download the 2 maps (for those that haven't) and tell me which would be best... i'm in 2 minds :p
Right i have a tequest to get the map done asap. so. 1 qiestion. Lit or Unlit download the 2 maps (for those that haven't) and tell me which would be best... i'm in 2 minds