the New keeping style (on the pboxline)

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Post by bURNINGrOID »

The keepers job is to stop goals, it's up to him how to do it. Play forward and cut down angles and intercept passes, or play back and catch the freaking ball. The best keepers (the smart ones) can do them both, and know when to do what.

Basically you seem to want to handicap the keepers more. This will lead to more goals. I don't think this is necessary as I rarely see low scoring games. However, I play mostly VO on Twigs, so maybe I'm missing some low scoring squeakers on pugs and league games, but I don't think so.

As for the scenario with two defenders covering the left and right wingers while the center has the ball with out any coverage, that is a great situation for the offense. If the center rushes in to take a shot right away, the smart keeper is going to tag him and ruin his shot. The smart center is going to try to lure the keeper into coming out before he charges so he can get a clear shot. Or wait for his wingers to boost the D away and get open for a pass or one timer. That situation has plenty of scoring options for a good offense.
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Post by theberkin8or »

burningroid... nice theory too bad it doesn't work... since they are already out (on the pbox line) and they are waiting for your they won't attack you until you charge thus you can't really trick them
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Post by Bonkers »

maybe you cant but then again you are probably doing something wrong as an attacker.
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Post by theberkin8or »

if it was just me I would tend to agree with you but i see some of the best having trouble with this
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Post by Bonkers »

then its time to put your heads together and nut it out ;)

no offence but if "the best" cant figure i way to score with their methods then that is not a valid reason to handicap goal keepers :\
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Post by Dazlin »

pff if one of them tries that shit on me... i let them hit me once and dosnt dodge back to goal i do a pass shot over him, if he hits me and dodges back i charge up... and if he waits till i charge i pass to a team m8 who will volley it in... and if i have no one to pass to i move around a lil back from the pbox and then go in as my charge is getting higher i do a curve shot that puts off the keeper...
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Post by theberkin8or »

daxlin: one he won't hit you because he is waiting for you to charge and two you won't be able to move back because you will have already been hit so you will OC the shots (unless the keeper mistimes it), the only possiblty I see here is the shot pass but in many situations that isn't an option or @ least a good one.

call me crazy but if the D is bad enough to: 1. only have 2 ppl back with 3 O foward 2. give you room to shoot in the middle... a half way decent O should be able to score or @ least get a non shaked shot off.. the way it currently is that isn't the case (asuming of course the keep is playing this style)

Bonkers: "no offence but if "the best" cant figure i way to score with their methods then that is not a valid reason to handicap goal keepers " if it where true that the best couldn't find a way to score, which i am not claming (note my main arguement is not really on the effectiveness of this but what i feel to be an abuse of keeper powers, aka using power that were given to them so that they could save shots not stop them). but if it were true that the best couldn't score then there would be an imbalance in the game... imbalance in the bane of online game play, it makes game play not fun. It is also responsable for some of the greatest elements of gameplay that DB has ever know with such greats as pbox camping, broomstick goals (which were result of pbox camping), and volley broomstick (note the sarcasm).

Also note it is not handicaping a keeper to go back to an old way of doing things. keepers did just fine back when they had to go to thier keeper box and they would get used to it again. Or you could simplely remove the keeper variable completely by allowing for the quick faster pass shot again (which used to keep the keepers close to their line for fear of get shot around).

anyway it seems that nobody agrees with me so... whatever, maybe you will come to agree with me if and when this style becomes more comon and more effective or maybe you won't. I hope you will and that davidm listens because i feel the game with be over all more fun.. but i guess that is just me :-p
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Post by RaGe|DB »

how about no forward dodge just side dodge? gg rage \o/ :D :p lol stupid idea :<
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Post by Still »

don't touch the keepa

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Post by Bonkers »

sorry if i sound so angry in my points of view but i'm tired of euro and NA deathball players screwing up the game for us aussies (dont flame me). Pbox line keeping is something we would hardly ever do and only be done if it was absolutely needed, not whored. This was the same about passing to boosted players. Euro's whored it and now us aussies had to suffer for something we hadn't even thought of.

this might turn into a racial bashing session but you have to see it from my point of view. i'm strongly against restricting keepers because i dont see a problem happening on the aussie server. i'm a keeper myself and (even upon hearing of this "leet keeping method") i dont keep like that because i feel it is a stupid way to keep. if you are going to restrict the keeper to purely play on the goal line then us keepers down in aus lose an ability that we would need to fend off australian attackers.

heres a suggestion: if you are going to change the keeper abilities, can you keep it to a patch so others (although a small community) dont suffer because of someone else's exploits?
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Post by Bonkers »

/me waits for the flaming
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Post by Messy »

Don't worry, not gonna be changed.
Would be pointless, it takes enough skill (and luck sometimes) to keep like this, and it's not overpowered or anything.

Be not afraid ye ozzies! :o for ye are old-skool and leet >_<
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

"using power that were given to them so that they could save shots not stop them"

Whats the difference here? The goalies job is to prevent goals. Period. Not to prevent goals by only catching the ball a certain distance from the net.

I see the point you're trying to make about keepers being too powerful, but I really don't think they are. What are average scores in league games, are there a lot of 0/0s or what?

I don't forsee "pboxline keeping" becoming some kind of plague that prevents everyone from scoring ever again.
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Post by Messy »

Ur all acting like it's easy :)

It's sodding hard to do :< imo

....altho..if khushdi can..
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Post by DavidM »

he can.....?