Ok guess I will add my two cents to this survey.
How would you describe your personality?
Easy going for the most part, but I do have some shy traits about me also
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I do a fair amount of reading, as well as out door activites (mostly thoise in the extreme nature). I also do enjoy serving my community (Fire Dept, and law enforcement - both part time) Plus my biggest interest is my career - Emergency Medicine and more specifically Airemedical Transport.
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Mostly spend time with my family, but also I enjoy traveling, and sight seeing, with a little time for golfing thrown in from time to time also.
Do you like to watch sports?
Yes, American football and soccer, and college basketball
Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
I play some not all that much though. I play mostly Splinter Cell, Medal of Honor, Halo, and Grand Theft Auto, Also enjoy Flight Simulator
Do you like to read? What kind of books?
I think I answered this already

but any way, I enjoy anyting by Hemmingway, The Art of war, The Cell by John Miller, also several more classics outside Hemmingway. Can't find myself interested in the Harry Ptter collection though and I have read the Da Vinci Code, just wouldn't call it a favorite.
What kind of movies do you like?
I actually don't find myself watching many movies, but I do enjoy an adventure from time to time. I have enjoyed The Day After Tomorrow, K2, Vertical Limit, as well as any American Firefighter atleast - Ladder 49, and BackDraft.
What kind of music?
This is an easy one....I will listen to anything that has a beat and rhythem....