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Posted: 07-05-2006 18:30
by frkyjenn
Kisa wrote: You were talking about "a cat", not about a person called "the Cat" ...


Posted: 07-05-2006 18:34
by patti2005
hummm :rolleyes:

i give up, arguing with women is harder than solving lambda was ;)

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:14
by snackbar
how on earth did u figure it out???
i think we all see the same thing, or non-thing, as we've shared in emails and have ad some ideas go nowhere, and then it's a brick wall.

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:17
by meep98324
I was thinking, maybe this level isn't self contained? (not google, but level 30 style) That's all I've got now!

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:25
by BunnyS
Yeah I have run out of ideas .... might just give up for the time being ^^

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:28
by meep98324
i'm seriously considering sending out a PM for help, but i'll probably work on it for a bit longer first.

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:29
by frkyjenn
Ever get that feeling your being bullshitted?

I have that feeling right now. :)

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:30
by BunnyS
all the time Jenn :D lol

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:35
by snackbar
heehee jenn.

and meep, who would u pm? noone can help you.

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:36
by Shenmue
patti2005 can.

Posted: 07-05-2006 19:36
by meep98324
well, I just tried my luck with patti, asking if we're on the right track. (assuming he beat it)

Posted: 07-05-2006 20:03
by DavidM
patti did it
but don't expect ANY hints from him

Posted: 07-05-2006 20:04
by meep98324
hi2u david/patti!

Posted: 07-05-2006 20:06
by frkyjenn
My theory is correct? ;)

Posted: 07-05-2006 20:41
by JM
frkyjenn, if you are correct, I will gouge my eyeballs out and mail them to patti2005.