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Posted: 27-05-2003 19:40
by Maegrim
just remove it :|

spam :p

Posted: 15-07-2003 16:50
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Heh, times were fun back then :)
Can some ppl plz make another big fight with panda again?
Would really rock kthx ^_^

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:06
by Panda
/me accuses Messy of being a nob-jockey

Let the fight commence....... :rolleyes:

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:29
by Dazlin
Guys, guys calm down...

Just go swear at surge or something.... Does the trick for me I come back feeling refreshed and everything seems to be better in the world... ^_^


If David wants his own reporting crew so be it panda can continue with his :) in the end which ever report is liked the most will be read the most... It will be like in real life same as 2 news papers competing for the most readers O_o

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:34
by L33FY
Right dazlin *Reminds him this thread is ancient*

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:37
by Dazlin
ohhh sorry :X

havent been to the forums in a while thought it was new :D

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:38
by -Camel-
i thought this thread was dead

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:45
by Panda
Ditto, thanks to Darth Spammer (Messy for those of you that aren't familiar with...stuff) its been resurrected :\

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:46
by -Camel-
/me bows down to darth spammer messy.

How can i serve u oh lord.

Wait, i own ur arse biatch :p

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:52
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Huh? what'd i do? O-o

I'm just a nostalgic-likey-kind-a-person :( sheez

Posted: 15-07-2003 17:57
by -Camel-