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Posted: 02-10-2005 15:20
by `Ghost`
Whos flaming O_o I can hate him for hating me cant I ?
Posted: 02-10-2005 16:21
by InSaNe`
I uhhh... Guess you can o_O
Posted: 02-10-2005 17:06
by DavidM
well we arent far away from a releasable version. the main thing is there, few more changes which are all not big (from what I see, but I have no clue).
take your time, never been putting you under pressure, just dont wanna see the community playing with this half arsed current beta, 2.3 and 2.4beta not being good enough to play

well...dunno, im patient as it can be.
well, you have the "needs to be done" list (where i forgot the "keeper not spawning" bug)

Posted: 03-10-2005 11:45
by xiller8r
As long as we can hate ghost for repeatedly changing his sig, from crappy sig to crappy sig:P
Posted: 05-10-2005 22:10
by Messy
So..nothing happening? /o\
Posted: 06-10-2005 19:25
by Chrisfu
i make box def... oh.
Posted: 06-10-2005 20:48
by `Ghost`
my name is in it, it cant be crappy
edit: now that I look at it, hey it is crappy

what was I thinking - if I was at all
Posted: 07-10-2005 19:14
by EsorcismoNJD
It's kind of funny how wide a range I see in people pretty much either loving it or hating it (meaning 2.4 beta), I guess a bugfixed version will really tell the tale, but personally I'm stuck in the middle where there's things in 2.3 I like over 2.4 but also vice-versa.
Things I like better in 2.3 over 2.4:
- Less OC time when hit (I know sane listed it as a "bug" but I'm not sure it really is one more so than a intended change)
- More sensible goal sizes (not a big deal overall since goal size is the mapper's decision, not the coder's... although a mutator can fix coding disagreements and screw ups)
- OC direction after being hit (ball just doesn't die a few feet away, in 2.3 it actually flies... again listed as a "bug" but sounds like it may have been intended)
Things I like better in 2.4 over 2.3:
- Longer charge time, although I think it's a little TOO long...
- Goalie response time, now goalies can actually save the close in shots and goalies can't say "caught" if it goes in
- The idea of goals getting bigger, but I still think it's way too exaggerated
A bugfixed version will certainly bring some of the 2.4 bashers at least to neutral territory, but for now 2.3 mixers are much more fun than 2.4. If NADB as a majority has any problems with some settings, they can easily be rectified anyway... so I'm not worried.
Posted: 07-10-2005 20:41
by Fooman
We definately need another beta before 2.4 is final, otherwise NADBL will probably just stick with 2.3 if 2.4 will be as bad as many think it currently is.
+ grammar
Posted: 07-10-2005 20:49
by DavidM
well in the news i said what will have to change for a release and....well changes are up to cata
can't help it
he didnt approach to me at all for over a week now, im just sitting here waiting
nothing in my hands
you all want a new version as much as me

Posted: 07-10-2005 22:07
by EsorcismoNJD
Posted: 08-10-2005 18:49
by Shinobi
*cough* she not he *cough*
Posted: 08-10-2005 19:30
by `Ghost`
Posted: 08-10-2005 23:23
by Titanium
Posted: 09-10-2005 03:57
by Armagon
*Watches DavidM maniacally nailing the lid shut on the Australian DB community's coffin*
Rest in peace.