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Posted: 21-03-2005 05:10
by aic2276
Does she even come to the forum anymore? Haven't seen her around in a while.
Posted: 23-03-2005 16:25
by Bazje
maybe she's preparing a 'paypal' site =)
Posted: 23-03-2005 19:36
by david_g
I wonder whose idea it was for her to be semi-undressed in the picture anyways.
Posted: 23-03-2005 20:37
by Bazje could have been mine!

Posted: 10-04-2005 14:20
by akbliu
Whoever did suggest it should get a medal.
Posted: 24-04-2005 19:11
by unrealtiger
A golden medal

Posted: 23-04-2007 09:01
by Wiiman
Ok so is christine actually doing porn shows or not, coz either way im gonna be looking at porn